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Generals lässt sich nicht insatllieren

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  • Generals lässt sich nicht insatllieren

    ich wollte vorhin Generals nue isntallieren, weil jedesmal wenn ich es starten wollte Techincal Difussions (oder so) kam. Repairieren hat auhc nix gebracht, also deinstalliert und die restlichen Dateien im C&C Ordner von Hand gelöscht.

    Wenn ich jetzt aber neu installieren will kommt bei 5% immer die Fehlermeldung die ich Angehangen habe. Er ist grad dabei Die GermanSpeech.bin zu erstellen und die ist auch nicht schreibgeschützt...was soll ich nur tun?


  • #2
    Ich würd erstmal probieren die CD zu reinigen und auf Kratzer zu untersuchen.

    Wenn das nichts bringt, tja pech gehabt.

    (Ich hätte dir sonst was anderes empfohlen, aber da dies nicht legal is, denk ich das ich hier verdammten ärger kriegen könnte.)


    • #3
      CD reinigen...wenn das nicht geht, tausch sie um, liegt denke ich mal an der CD. Sowas hatten wir hier glaube ich schon öfter.


      • #4
        mach mal ein image davon


        • #5
          I get "Error Source file not found D:/ not found please verify that the file exists and that you can access it." or "Error XXXX Cabinet file required for this installation is corrupt or cannot be read" when trying to install.
          After testing this problem thoroughly with CDs from customers who had received this error, the problem appears to be caused by one of two issues -- either a bad CD or older CD-ROM/CD-ROM drivers not being able to read the disks properly. The following steps that should correct the issue for most users:

          1. First, make sure the beta client was uninstalled prior to installing the live version. If it was not, please uninstall both and reinstall the live version.

          2. Make sure you are logged in as an Admin account. With Windows XP and 2000, you may be able to run most programs with a user account, but not Command & Conquer Generals. You must be logged in as the System Admin to install & play Command & Conquer Generals.

          To find out if you are logged in as the Admin follow the following steps:

          Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and then User Accounts. Under the user tab you should see the user name as Administrator.

          If you are unsure, please check with your computer manufacturer or network administrator for assistance.

          3. If you have a second CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, please try installing from it.

          4. Make sure you have closed out all background applications. A conflict with one or more background applications can cause the error you are receiving. You can click ctrl-alt-del to bring up a list of the programs currently running on your machine. Below is a list of required programs for Windows XP/2000 and one for Windows 98/ME (you will notice it is much shorter):

          Windows XP/2000 Required Processes
          svchost.exe (there may be multiple instances of this one, all required)
          System Idle Process

          Windows 98/ME Required Processes

          Anything listed on your screen that is not on the list above for your operating system should be closed (for example, if you have Windows 98, close everything except "Explorer" and "Systray"). To close a program, highlight the program by clicking on it and then clicking "End Task" or "End Process".

          5. Have you tried turning off Direct Memory Access on your CD-ROM? DMA can sometimes interfere with installation. To do this:

          Windows 98/ME
          a) Go to START>>Settings>>Control Panel and double click on "System".
          b) Click the "Device Manager" tab.
          c) Click the + next to the CD ROM listing, and then highlight your CD ROM and right click.
          d) Choose properties and click the "Settings" tab.
          e) If the DMA box is checked, uncheck it and click OK.
          f) Install C&C

          Windows XP
          a) Go to START>>Settings>>Control Panel and double click on "System".
          b) Click the Hardware tab and then "Device Manager"
          c) Click the + next to the IDE listing, and then highlight the IDE Channel with your CD ROM and right click (this is usually the "Secondary" one, but if you don't know, you can do this for both).
          d) Choose properties and click the "Advanced Settings" tab.
          e) Change the Transfer mode from DMA to PIO.
          f) Install C&C (you will want to change back to DMA after installing/failing to install, as your CD-Rom will run other CD’s better in this mode).

          6. Some older CD-ROMs (and even a new computer can ship with an older drive) as well as new CD-ROMs with older CD-ROM drivers will be unable to read the disks properly. You can try checking with your system manufacturer or your CD-ROM manufacturer for updated drivers. If that does not help, it may just be that your CD-Rom is too old to read the disk format properly.

          7. You may also want to try copying the game to your hard drive and installing from there. To do this, do the following:

          a). Put the first CD into your CD-ROM. Close out the installation program if it starts.
          b). Open My Computer and double click on your CD-ROM drive.
          c). Highlight all of the files and folders on the CD-ROM and then right click and select "copy". d). Then, navigate to your C:\ drive and click "Make a new folder". What you name it is up to you. Paste the files you copied into that new folder. e). Repeat the steps above for the 2nd Command & Conquer Generals CD, making sure to paste the files into the same place as you put the first ones. If any questions come up about replacing files, click "no". f). Once you have both CD's copied to your hard drive, go to the folder you created and run "Setup.exe" by double clicking on it. The game should now install.

          Once you have completed installation, you can delete the copied files from that new folder you created. You can also, if you are on a network, try sharing a CD-ROM drive with another computer on the network and installing from there. Check with your network administrator for details.

          8. Finally, if all of the above fails, it may be that the disk is damaged or corrupted. In which case you should exchange it for a new copy, and try again. We have found very, very few bad disks, however, so if the first exchange does not work, then it is unlikely this is caused by a bad CD.

          If none of the above solutions work, and you have exchanged the CD for a new copy at least once, then the problem is most likely to be your CD-ROM drive being too old to read the disks or damaged in some way. In that situation, there may be no way for you to install Command & Conquer Generals. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. You can consult the warranty address in the back of the manual for more information of how to return or exchange the disk.
          Wenn du gut Englisch kannst, schaffst du das schon ^^
          I lower myself to your standards for communication purposes.


          • #6
            Hey danke leute für die Tips.
            Das mit dem Image hat geklappt.
            Joa...und TnT´s Anleitung is ganz net...habe zwar kein Wort verstanden aber nett

            CU eric

