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  • tote länger sehen

    kann man irgentwie irgentwo einstellen , dass de toten nach einer schlacht noch ne weile liegenbleiben? weil irgentwie fehlt mir bei bfme da die atmosphäredenn irgentwie will ich halt sehen wo schlachten waren siehe alle Age of empires teile.

    würd mich über hilfe freuen


  • #2
    nein kann man nicht,aber ich verschiebe das ins Modding Forum da es vieleicht einen mod dafür gibt.


    • #3
      Einstellen kann man es nicht, aber wenn du modden kannst öfnne mal die INI.big mit finalbig und öffne die Datei gamelod.ini
      Dadrin gibt es einen Eintrag :

      SlowDeathScale : xxxxxxxxx

      für die x setzt du irgendeine Zahl ein.
      Tu es oder tu es nicht.........
      Es gibt kein Versuchen.


      • #4
        is final big ein programm? weil bei mir kommt nurn gemurks wenn ich die ini öffne.
        naja ich such mal danach
        ... habs mit editor geöffnet und durch suchen gefunden aber da gibts das so oft muss ich da überall das umschreiben oder reichts bei einem bestimmten?


        • #5
          Also FinalBig is'n Programm mit dem man die .Big Files entpacken kann (siehe nützliche Links für SuM-modding ). Du musst in der "ini.big" die Datei "gamelod.ini" in den Ordner "Data/ini" (ini-Ordner erstellen) entpacken und im Orginal .big Ordner löschen (vorher Sicherheitskopie!!!) . Dann machst du einfach des was tHePaYnE gesagt hat =)(die vielen "SlowDeathScales" sind für die verschiedenen Grafikeinstellungen). 8)

          Ach ja, wenn in so 'ner Datei vor einer Zeile ein " ; " steht, heißt das, dass sie nicht verwendet wird.


          • #6
            muss ich die entpacken kann ich das nicht einfach mit dem editor editieren?
            weil finden tu ich die einträge auch so


            • #7
              Naja, entpackt isses halt auf jeden Fall übersichtlicher, aber wenn du's findest gehts natürlich auch so...


              • #8
                das finden s ja nich das problem weil es ja die suchfunktion gibt.
                weißt du auch was dann die zahl die ich eingebe angibt? also wenn ich jetz ne 1.0 eingeb obs heißt 1sec 1min o.ä.

                schonmal vielen dank an euch bis hier


                • #9
                  Was das genau heißt weiß ich nich, müsstest du ausprobieren; aber ich glaub mal umso größer die Zahl ist, umso länger bleiben die Leichen liegen.


                  • #10
                    ich bin einfach kein modder wies scheint ich bekomms nicht hin...
                    egal ob ichs so entpack wie du sagst oder es gleich drinnen umänder... ;(


                    • #11
                      Was genau ist denn dein Problem ???
                      Wirds nich gespeichert oder funzts im Spiel nich oder was...
                      und was genau hast du denn gemacht ???


                      • #12
                        Also nimm mal eine niedrigere Zahl denn wenn du eine zu große eingibst entstehen keine mehr -_-
                        probier mal 5000 ;-)


                        • #13
                          irgentwie versinken sie immernoch im boden
                          hab sogar bei allen slowdeathhscale jetz die zahl 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999
                          999999999 eingesetzt und bringt tortzdem nix.
                          speichern tut ers...
                          mein gamelod.ini:
                          ;Game Detail Levels
                          ;Default StaticGameLOD levels are selected based on CPU performance at a simple
                          ;processor benchmark. Here's some sample scores:
                          ;P4-2.2 : 30 fps.
                          ;Eventually this needs to be replaced by timing an actual map running on the system.

                          StaticGameLOD = VeryLow
                          MaxParticleCount=500 ;maximum number of particles that can exist
                          UseShadowVolumes=No ;use volumetric shadows if available.
                          UseShadowDecals=No ;use 2D decal shadows
                          UseAnisotropic=No ;use anisotropic mip filtering.
                          UsePixelShaders=No ;use pixel shaders if hardware supports it.
                          UseLightMap=No ;use noise pattern over terrain to break up tiling and lighting.
                          ShowSoftWaterEdge=No ;feather water edge if supported by hardware
                          MaxTankTrackEdges=30 ;maximum length of track left behind tanks and other units.
                          MaxTankTrackOpaqueEdges=15 ;maximum length of tank track before it starts fading
                          MaxTankTrackFadeDelay=5000 ;maximum amount of time a tank track segment remains visible (in ms)
                          UseBuildupScaffolds=No ;draw scaffold during structure building
                          UseTreeSway=No ;sway trees to simulate wind
                          ; GrassDrawSkip=10 ; draw only 1/10 the number of grass
                          ShowProps = No ; skip props and shrubs.
                          TextureReductionFactor = 2; cut texture resolution by 4.
                          UseHighQualityVideo = No ; If not set, use lower resolutions/fallbacks for video
                          AnimationDetail = VeryLow;
                          MinParticlePriority=AREA_EFFECT ;priority at below which we don't draw particles
                          MinParticleSkipPriority=CRITICAL ;particle priority at which we never skip particles

                          StaticGameLOD = Low
                          MaxParticleCount=500 ;maximum number of particles that can exist
                          UseShadowVolumes=No ;use volumetric shadows if available.
                          UseShadowDecals=No ;use 2D decal shadows
                          UseAnisotropic=No ;use anisotropic mip filtering.
                          UsePixelShaders=No ;use pixel shaders if hardware supports it.
                          UseLightMap=No ;use noise pattern over terrain to break up tiling and lighting.
                          ShowSoftWaterEdge=No ;feather water edge if supported by hardware
                          MaxTankTrackEdges=30 ;maximum length of track left behind tanks and other units.
                          MaxTankTrackOpaqueEdges=15 ;maximum length of tank track before it starts fading
                          MaxTankTrackFadeDelay=5000 ;maximum amount of time a tank track segment remains visible (in ms)
                          UseBuildupScaffolds=No ;draw scaffold during structure building
                          UseTreeSway=No ;sway trees to simulate wind
                          ; GrassDrawSkip=10 ; draw only 1/10 the number of grass
                          ShowProps = No ; skip props and shrubs.
                          TextureReductionFactor = 1; cut texture resolution in half.
                          UseHighQualityVideo = Yes ; If not set, use lower resolutions/fallbacks for video
                          AnimationDetail = Low;
                          MinParticlePriority=AREA_EFFECT ;priority at below which we don't draw particles
                          MinParticleSkipPriority=CRITICAL ;particle priority at which we never skip particles

                          StaticGameLOD = Medium
                          MaxParticleCount=1500 ;maximum number of particles that can exist
                          UseShadowVolumes=No ;use volumetric shadows if available.
                          UseShadowDecals=Yes ;use 2D decal shadows
                          UseAnisotropic=No ;use anisotropic filtering
                          UsePixelShaders=Yes ;use pixel shaders if hardware supports it.
                          UseLightMap=Yes ;use noise pattern over terrain to break up tiling and lighting.
                          ShowSoftWaterEdge=Yes ;No ;feather water edge if supported by hardware
                          MaxTankTrackEdges=100 ;maximum length of track left behind tanks and other units.
                          MaxTankTrackOpaqueEdges=25 ;maximum length of tank track before it starts fading
                          MaxTankTrackFadeDelay=30000 ;maximum amount of time a tank track segment remains visible (in ms)
                          UseBuildupScaffolds=Yes ;draw scaffold during structure building
                          UseTreeSway=No ;Yes ;sway trees to simulate wind
                          ; GrassDrawSkip=5 ; draw only 1/5 the number of grass
                          ShowProps = Yes ; draw props and shrubs.
                          TextureReductionFactor = 0; don't cut texture resolution.
                          UseHighQualityVideo = Yes ; If not set, use lower resolutions/fallbacks for video
                          AnimationDetail = Medium;
                          MinParticlePriority=WEAPON_TRAIL ;priority at below which we don't draw particles
                          MinParticleSkipPriority=CRITICAL ;particle priority at which we never skip particles

                          StaticGameLOD = High
                          MaxParticleCount=3000 ;maximum number of particles that can exist
                          UseShadowVolumes=Yes ;use volumetric shadows if available.
                          UseShadowDecals=Yes ;use 2D decal shadows
                          UseAnisotropic=No ;use anisotropic mip filtering.
                          UsePixelShaders=Yes ;use pixel shaders if hardware supports it.
                          UseLightMap=Yes ;use noise pattern over terrain to break up tiling and lighting.
                          ShowSoftWaterEdge=Yes ;feather water edge if supported by hardware
                          MaxTankTrackEdges=100 ;maximum length of track left behind tanks and other units.
                          MaxTankTrackOpaqueEdges=25 ;maximum length of tank track before it starts fading
                          MaxTankTrackFadeDelay=60000 ;maximum amount of time a tank track segment remains visible (in ms)
                          UseBuildupScaffolds=Yes ;draw scaffold during structure building
                          UseTreeSway=Yes ;sway trees to simulate wind
                          ; GrassDrawSkip=1 ; draw all grass
                          ShowProps = Yes ; draw props and shrubs.
                          TextureReductionFactor = 0; don't cut texture resolution.
                          UseHighQualityVideo = Yes ; If not set, use lower resolutions/fallbacks for video
                          AnimationDetail = High;
                          MinParticlePriority=WEAPON_EXPLOSION ;priority at below which we don't draw particles
                          MinParticleSkipPriority=CRITICAL ;particle priority at which we never skip particles

                          StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
                          MaxParticleCount=3000 ;maximum number of particles that can exist
                          UseShadowVolumes=Yes ;use volumetric shadows if available.
                          UseShadowDecals=Yes ;use 2D decal shadows
                          UseAnisotropic=Yes ;use anisotropic mip filtering.
                          UsePixelShaders=Yes ;use pixel shaders if hardware supports it.
                          UseLightMap=Yes ;use noise pattern over terrain to break up tiling and lighting.
                          ShowSoftWaterEdge=Yes ;feather water edge if supported by hardware
                          MaxTankTrackEdges=100 ;maximum length of track left behind tanks and other units.
                          MaxTankTrackOpaqueEdges=25 ;maximum length of tank track before it starts fading
                          MaxTankTrackFadeDelay=60000 ;maximum amount of time a tank track segment remains visible (in ms)
                          UseBuildupScaffolds=Yes ;draw scaffold during structure building
                          UseTreeSway=Yes ;sway trees to simulate wind
                          ; GrassDrawSkip=1 ; draw all grass
                          ShowProps = Yes ; draw props and shrubs.
                          TextureReductionFactor = 0; don't cut texture resolution.
                          UseHighQualityVideo = Yes ; If not set, use lower resolutions/fallbacks for video
                          AnimationDetail = UltraHigh;
                          MinParticlePriority=WEAPON_EXPLOSION ;priority at below which we don't draw particles
                          MinParticleSkipPriority=CRITICAL ;particle priority at which we never skip particles

                          DynamicGameLOD = VeryHigh
                          MinimumFPS=25 ;minimum average fps in order to recommend his LOD
                          SlowDeathScale=99999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. 0 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths.

                          DynamicGameLOD = High
                          MinimumFPS=20 ;minimum average fps in order to recommend his LOD
                          ;SlowDeathScale=9999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 .5 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths.
                          SlowDeathScale=99999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. 0 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths. - making this a no-op for now

                          DynamicGameLOD = Medium
                          MinimumFPS=10 ;minimum average fps in order to recommend his LOD
                          ParticleSkipMask=1; ;only generate particles when lower counter bits equal mask
                          ;DebrisSkipMask=1; ;commented out to prevent desyncs.
                          ;SlowDeathScale=9999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 .3 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths.
                          SlowDeathScale=99999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. 0 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths. - making this a no-op for now

                          DynamicGameLOD = Low
                          MinimumFPS=0 ;minimum average fps in order to recommend his LOD
                          ParticleSkipMask=3; ;only generate particles when lower counter bits equal mask
                          ;SlowDeathScale=9999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 .0 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths.
                          SlowDeathScale=99999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. 0 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths. - making this a no-op for now

                          DynamicGameLOD = VeryLow
                          MinimumFPS=0 ;minimum average fps in order to recommend his LOD
                          ParticleSkipMask=3; ;only generate particles when lower counter bits equal mask
                          ;SlowDeathScale=9999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 .0 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths.
                          SlowDeathScale=99999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. 0 ;amount to scale the duration slow deaths. - making this a no-op for now

                          AudioLOD = Low
                          AllowDolby = No ; Use the Dolby Surround 3D provider or not
                          MaximumAmbientStreams = 1 ; # of ambient streams which can play at once
                          AllowReverb = No ; If no, ignore reverb commands

                          AudioLOD = High
                          AllowDolby = Yes ; Use the Dolby Surround 3D provider or not
                          MaximumAmbientStreams = 2 ; # of ambient streams which can play at once
                          AllowReverb = Yes ; If no, ignore reverb commands


                          • #14
                            Also wenn du's mit FinalBig entpackt hast denk dran, dass es im Orginal .Big Ordner gelöscht is ...


                            • #15
                              ich habs gleich mit finalbig in der ini.big editiert deshalb muss ich ja auch nix öschen oder wie?
                              sorry elndil hab deins überlesen teste das jetz auch mal

