Gamespy hat angekündigt, dass es einen neuen Patch für Der Herr der Ringe: Die Schlacht um Mittelderde II der Version 1.07 geben wird. Unter mehreren Bugs, die gefixt werden, wird es auch Balancing - Änderungen geben. Die Liste für den Patch ist noch nicht relevant, weil es noch mehrere Probleme gibt die behoben werden müssen. Hier die aktuelle Liste für den nächsten SuM2 Patch:
was haltet ihr davon? lasst eurer Inovativität freien lauf
PS: wird demnächst übersetzt
***- Giant Eagle now takes 40% from pierce and 55% from cavalry-ranged and structural, health 3400 (was 4000), buildtime 1m45s (was 1m), summon duration 40s (was 2m), attack now has a -70% damage penalty vs towers
***- Aragorn athelas now heals 1000 hitpoints (was 2000), blademaster +50% bonus vs structures removed, regular weapon splash radius now 12 (from 10)
***- Boromir's horn fear duration reduced to 10s (was 15s), attack hero-knockdown chance reduced to 15% (was 25%)
**- Soldier of Gondor damage vs structures reduced by 17.5%, now takes 105% damage from poison (was 100%), barracks buildtime now 33s (was 30s)
**- Lorien Archer unarmored now takes 90% from poison (was 100%), damage reduced by 10% against soldiers (except for Guardians and Corsairs) and pikemen
** Glorfindel blade of purity damage bonus now +50% (from +100%), mount switch is no longer enabled with Blade of Purity active
**- Wildmen damage reduced to 30 (was 40), summon power reduced to 3 hordes (from 4)
**- Warg Rider now takes 42% (was 50%) from arrows, 18% (was 25%) with armor, upgraded weapon bonus vs structures reduced to +50% (was +100%)
** - BattleWagon's Men of Dale damage against pikes reduced by 50%, oil barrel minimum decay now 23.5 (from 1.5), can no longer fire while inside tunnels
**- Elven Lancer +30% armor bonus with heavy armor removed
**- Elven Warriors from inns now deal 40% less damage against cavalry and take 115% (was 100%) damage from poison.
**- Nazgul Rider crush deceleration percentage now 5 (was 4), minimum crushing velocity 56 (was 58), mount toggle now takes 4s (was 1.4s)
*- Corsair fire bomb pre-attack delay now 222ms (from 444ms), damage bonus vs structures now +50% (from +100%) and fire decay now 20 (was 16), sword now has a 20% damage bonus vs phalanxes
*- Dwarven Guardian now take 83/35% from pierce (was 75/30%), siege hammers damage 56 (was 80)
*- Mirkwood archer's silverthorn arrows upgrade no longer slows down the attack rate, but deals 87.5% less damage against fortresses and cavalry
*- Half-Troll Marauders weapon now has a bonus vs cavalry of 50 damage with 7.5 splash radius, with heavy armor now take 60% (was 150%) damage from slash, fissure level 2 upgrade time now 35s (from 60s)
*- Cave Troll takes 52% (was 42%) pierce damage, and club weapon has a -50% damage penalty against structures
*- Goblin Archer speed 55 (was 45), base attack range 330 (was 275), pierce damage 26 (was 20), flame damage 30 (was 20)
*- Dragonstrike damage vs fortress halved, no longer gets stuck occasionally onto fortresses
*- Witchking hitpoints reduced to 6700 (was 8000), healing rate now 32 health/s (was 25 health/s), mounted armor 20% stronger vs all damage types
*- Elrond athelas radius now 115 (from 75), damage against heroes doubled
*- Uruk Crossbow pre-attack delay 400 (was 670ms)
*- Saruman hitpoints reduced to 2000 (was 3000), fireball logical-fire radius reduced to 30 (was 40), attack knockback chance against heroes now 25% (from 100%), Lightning Bolt now 3.5 times stronger vs heroes
*- Basic resource buildings production increase +20/35% (was +25/50%), population bonus 50/75 (was 25) for levels 2/3 respectively; Resource Penalty with 6 or more resource buildings reduced to -10% (was -15%)
*- Furnace health increased to 980 (was 750)
*- Palantir vision duration 1m10s (was 2m), vision range 900 (was 1000)
- Being the host of online matches no longer provides a command lag advantage
- Goblin warrior double experience award bug fixed
- Fixed Shelob Speed bug (now properly 80)
- Gorkil and Nazgul unmounted attack speed exploits fixed
- Rohirrim splash attack no longer damage friendly units
- Outer wall hubs not being buildable everywhere and buildable radiuses fixed
***- Aragorn athelas now heals 1000 hitpoints (was 2000), blademaster +50% bonus vs structures removed, regular weapon splash radius now 12 (from 10)
***- Boromir's horn fear duration reduced to 10s (was 15s), attack hero-knockdown chance reduced to 15% (was 25%)
**- Soldier of Gondor damage vs structures reduced by 17.5%, now takes 105% damage from poison (was 100%), barracks buildtime now 33s (was 30s)
**- Lorien Archer unarmored now takes 90% from poison (was 100%), damage reduced by 10% against soldiers (except for Guardians and Corsairs) and pikemen
** Glorfindel blade of purity damage bonus now +50% (from +100%), mount switch is no longer enabled with Blade of Purity active
**- Wildmen damage reduced to 30 (was 40), summon power reduced to 3 hordes (from 4)
**- Warg Rider now takes 42% (was 50%) from arrows, 18% (was 25%) with armor, upgraded weapon bonus vs structures reduced to +50% (was +100%)
** - BattleWagon's Men of Dale damage against pikes reduced by 50%, oil barrel minimum decay now 23.5 (from 1.5), can no longer fire while inside tunnels
**- Elven Lancer +30% armor bonus with heavy armor removed
**- Elven Warriors from inns now deal 40% less damage against cavalry and take 115% (was 100%) damage from poison.
**- Nazgul Rider crush deceleration percentage now 5 (was 4), minimum crushing velocity 56 (was 58), mount toggle now takes 4s (was 1.4s)
*- Corsair fire bomb pre-attack delay now 222ms (from 444ms), damage bonus vs structures now +50% (from +100%) and fire decay now 20 (was 16), sword now has a 20% damage bonus vs phalanxes
*- Dwarven Guardian now take 83/35% from pierce (was 75/30%), siege hammers damage 56 (was 80)
*- Mirkwood archer's silverthorn arrows upgrade no longer slows down the attack rate, but deals 87.5% less damage against fortresses and cavalry
*- Half-Troll Marauders weapon now has a bonus vs cavalry of 50 damage with 7.5 splash radius, with heavy armor now take 60% (was 150%) damage from slash, fissure level 2 upgrade time now 35s (from 60s)
*- Cave Troll takes 52% (was 42%) pierce damage, and club weapon has a -50% damage penalty against structures
*- Goblin Archer speed 55 (was 45), base attack range 330 (was 275), pierce damage 26 (was 20), flame damage 30 (was 20)
*- Dragonstrike damage vs fortress halved, no longer gets stuck occasionally onto fortresses
*- Witchking hitpoints reduced to 6700 (was 8000), healing rate now 32 health/s (was 25 health/s), mounted armor 20% stronger vs all damage types
*- Elrond athelas radius now 115 (from 75), damage against heroes doubled
*- Uruk Crossbow pre-attack delay 400 (was 670ms)
*- Saruman hitpoints reduced to 2000 (was 3000), fireball logical-fire radius reduced to 30 (was 40), attack knockback chance against heroes now 25% (from 100%), Lightning Bolt now 3.5 times stronger vs heroes
*- Basic resource buildings production increase +20/35% (was +25/50%), population bonus 50/75 (was 25) for levels 2/3 respectively; Resource Penalty with 6 or more resource buildings reduced to -10% (was -15%)
*- Furnace health increased to 980 (was 750)
*- Palantir vision duration 1m10s (was 2m), vision range 900 (was 1000)
- Being the host of online matches no longer provides a command lag advantage
- Goblin warrior double experience award bug fixed
- Fixed Shelob Speed bug (now properly 80)
- Gorkil and Nazgul unmounted attack speed exploits fixed
- Rohirrim splash attack no longer damage friendly units
- Outer wall hubs not being buildable everywhere and buildable radiuses fixed
PS: wird demnächst übersetzt