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  • - Kommunikation für Gamer

    Moin zusammen,

    wir möchten Euch PC Spielern ein neues Voice Tool vorstellen.
    Der Text is komplett in Englisch da unser Pressetext.
    Wer eine Übersetzung braucht, kann das gerne sagen.
    Ansonsten wer Fragen hat einfach hier im Thread stellen.
    Ich gehe auch gerne tiefer auf die Features ein und kann auch gerne ein paar Vorteile nennen.




    Shockvoice a state-of-the-art voice communication tool primarily developed for online gamers but suited for all kinds of large scale meetings that requires low latency and ease of use.

    Shockvoice® is developed in C# and is targeted to run with either .NET or Mono on Windows, Linux and Mac when it's finished. Currently supported are Windows for the client, and Windows and Linux for the server.

    So what are the difference to other voice tools and why should you choose Shockvoice® over them you ask?

    We have one of the lowest latencies available

    That's right, there is hardly any software available that even comes close to the low latency Shockvoice® has to offer. And if you're playing eSports titles, you know that half a second makes a huge difference. Feel free to use one of our test servers to feel the difference yourself. Of course additional to the low latency, we also have a superb voice quality to offer.

    Shockvoice® can be administrated right out of the client.

    Tired of using complicated web interfaces to change settings or permissions? Look no further. Shockvoice® can be administrated right out of the client without any hassle. Just choose what you want to do and you can change settings like giving a user permissions or tweaking server settings in just seconds.

    Shockvoice® has a status system as found in IM software.

    Going away for food or have to take a call? Just set your status and everybody on the server can see it. Shockvoice® now brings to voice chat tools what IM clients had for years. You can also easily configure how your status affects your speaker and microphone settings. For example if you set status "Away" your microphone is off, but you can still hear. Switch to "On the phone" and the speakers shut off so you're not interrupted.

    For more Informations and Complete List of all Features just Visit

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