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China GattlingCannon amendment of China Laser GattlingCannon???

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  • China GattlingCannon amendment of China Laser GattlingCannon???

    China GattlingCannon amendment of China Laser GattlingCannon???
    China GattlingCannon make amendment of front:
    Conditions = None
    Weapon = PRIMARY GattlingBuildingGun
    Weapon = SECONDARY GattlingBuildingGunAir

    China GattlingCannon make amendment of aback:
    Conditions = None
    Weapon = PRIMARY LaserGattlingBuildingGunOne
    Weapon = PRIMARY LaserGattlingBuildingGunTwo
    Weapon = SECONDARY LaserGattlingBuildingGunAirOne
    Weapon = SECONDARY LaserGattlingBuildingGunAirTwo

    China GattlingCannon make amendment of front:
    Weapon GattlingBuildingGun
    PrimaryDamage = 10.0 ;5.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0 ; 0 primary radius means hits only intended victim
    AttackRange = 225.0
    DamageType = Gattling
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    ProjectileObject = NONE
    FireFX = WeaponFX_GattlingCannonMachineGunFire
    VeterancyFireFX = HEROIC WeaponFX_GattlingCannonMachineGunFireWithRedTracer s
    FireSound = GattlingCannonWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 250 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 0 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 0 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ContinuousFireOne = 1 ; How many shots at the same target constitute Continuous Fire
    ContinuousFireTwo = 5 ; How many shots at the same target constitute Continuous Fire Two
    ContinuousFireCoast = 2000 ; msec we can coast without firing before we lose Continuous Fire
    WeaponBonus = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_MEAN RATE_OF_FIRE 200% ; When the object achieves this state, this weapon gets double the rate of fire
    WeaponBonus = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_FAST RATE_OF_FIRE 300% ; This is not cumulative, so with Delay of 40, and #118alues of 2 and 4 for these bonuses, you shoot at (40, 20, 10)
    WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE DAMAGE 125% ; ChainGun upgrade
    AntiAirborneVehicle = No
    AntiAirborneInfantry = No
    AntiSmallMissile = No
    AntiBallisticMissile = No
    AntiGround = Yes
    Weapon GattlingBuildingGunAir
    PrimaryDamage = 5.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0 ; 0 primary radius means hits only intended victim
    AttackRange = 400.0
    DamageType = SMALL_ARMS
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    ProjectileObject = NONE
    FireFX = WeaponFX_GattlingCannonMachineGunFire
    VeterancyFireFX = HEROIC WeaponFX_GattlingCannonMachineGunFireWithRedTracer s
    FireSound = GattlingCannonWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 250 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 0 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 0 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ContinuousFireOne = 1 ; How many shots at the same target constitute Continuous Fire
    ContinuousFireTwo = 5 ; How many shots at the same target constitute Continuous Fire Two
    ContinuousFireCoast = 2000 ; msec we can coast without firing before we lose Continuous Fire
    WeaponBonus = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_MEAN RATE_OF_FIRE 200% ; When the object achieves this state, this weapon gets double the rate of fire
    WeaponBonus = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_FAST RATE_OF_FIRE 300% ; This is not cumulative, so with Delay of 40, and #118alues of 2 and 4 for these bonuses, you shoot at (40, 20, 10)
    WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE DAMAGE 125% ; ChainGun upgrade
    AntiAirborneVehicle = Yes
    AntiAirborneInfantry = Yes
    AntiSmallMissile = No
    AntiBallisticMissile = Yes
    AntiGround = No
    ;Given to the overlord tank so its AI can target air manually from out of range. Must match
    ;GattlingBuildingGunAirs range
    Weapon GattlingBuildingGunAirDummy
    PrimaryDamage = 0.0001
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0 ; 0 primary radius means hits only intended victim
    AttackRange = 400.0
    DamageType = SMALL_ARMS
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    ProjectileObject = NONE
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 500 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 0 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 0 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    AntiAirborneVehicle = Yes
    AntiAirborneInfantry = Yes
    AntiSmallMissile = No
    AntiBallisticMissile = Yes
    AntiGround = No
    Weapon SpectreGattlingGun
    PrimaryDamage = 90.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0 ; 0 primary radius means hits only intended victim
    AttackRange = 2222.0 ; huge range
    DamageType = Gattling
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    ProjectileObject = NONE
    FireFX = WeaponFX_SpectreGattlingMuzzleFlash
    VeterancyFireFX = HEROIC WeaponFX_GattlingCannonMachineGunFireWithRedTracer s
    FireSound = SpectreGunshipGattlingWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 100 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 0 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 0 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ContinuousFireOne = 1 ; How many shots at the same target constitute Continuous Fire
    ContinuousFireTwo = 2 ; How many shots at the same target constitute Continuous Fire Two
    ContinuousFireCoast = 2000 ; msec we can coast without firing before we lose Continuous Fire
    WeaponBonus = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_MEAN RATE_OF_FIRE 200% ; When the object achieves this state, this weapon gets double the rate of fire
    WeaponBonus = CONTINUOUS_FIRE_FAST RATE_OF_FIRE 300% ; This is not cumulative, so with Delay of 40, and #118alues of 2 and 4 for these bonuses, you shoot at (40, 20, 10)
    ; WeaponBonus = PLAYER_UPGRADE DAMAGE 125% ; ChainGun upgrade
    AntiAirborneVehicle = No
    AntiAirborneInfantry = No
    AntiSmallMissile = No
    AntiBallisticMissile = No
    AntiGround = Yes

    China GattlingCannon make amendment of aback:
    Weapon LaserGattlingBuildingGunOne
    PrimaryDamage = 70.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
    AttackRange = 2250.0
    DamageType = GATTLING
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    LaserName = AvengerTargetingLaserBeam
    LaserBoneName = Muzzle01
    FireFX = WeaponFX_AvengerTargetDesignator
    FireSound = LaserCrusaderWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 100 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 3 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 700 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RATE_OF_FIRE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RANGE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING DAMAGE 200%

    Weapon LaserGattlingBuildingGunAirOne
    PrimaryDamage = 5.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
    AttackRange = 400.0
    DamageType = SMALL_ARMS
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    LaserName = AvengerTargetingLaserBeam
    LaserBoneName = Muzzle01
    FireFX = WeaponFX_AvengerTargetDesignator
    FireSound = LaserCrusaderWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 100 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 3 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 700 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RATE_OF_FIRE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RANGE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING DAMAGE 200%

    Weapon LaserGattlingBuildingGunTwo
    PrimaryDamage = 70.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
    AttackRange = 2250.0
    DamageType = GATTLING
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    LaserName = AvengerTargetingLaserBeam
    LaserBoneName = Muzzle02
    FireFX = WeaponFX_AvengerTargetDesignator
    FireSound = LaserCrusaderWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 100 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 3 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 700 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RATE_OF_FIRE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RANGE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING DAMAGE 200%

    Weapon LaserGattlingBuildingGunAirTwo
    PrimaryDamage = 85.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
    AttackRange = 4000.0
    DamageType = SMALL_ARMS
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    LaserName = AvengerTargetingLaserBeam
    LaserBoneName = Muzzle02
    FireFX = WeaponFX_AvengerTargetDesignator
    FireSound = LaserCrusaderWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 100 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 3 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 700 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RATE_OF_FIRE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RANGE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING DAMAGE 200%

    Weapon SpectreGattlingGun
    PrimaryDamage = 190.0
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
    AttackRange = 3000.0
    DamageType = GATTLING
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0 ; dist/sec (huge #118alue == effectively instant)
    LaserName = AvengerTargetingLaserBeam
    LaserBoneName = Muzzle01
    FireFX = WeaponFX_AvengerTargetDesignator
    FireSound = LaserCrusaderWeapon
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 100 ; time between shots, msec
    ClipSize = 3 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite)
    ClipReloadTime = 700 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RATE_OF_FIRE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING RANGE 200%
    ;WeaponBonus = DRONE_SPOTTING DAMAGE 200%

    Weapon LaserGattlingBuildingGunAirDummy
    PrimaryDamage = 0.0001
    PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0
    AttackRange = 400.0
    DamageType = SMALL_ARMS
    DeathType = NORMAL
    WeaponSpeed = 999999.0
    ProjectileObject = NONE
    RadiusDamageAffects = ALLIES ENEMIES NEUTRALS
    DelayBetweenShots = 500
    ClipSize = 0
    ClipReloadTime = 0
    AntiAirborneVehicle = Yes
    AntiAirborneInfantry = Yes
    AntiSmallMissile = No
    AntiBallisticMissile = Yes
    AntiGround = No

    ask gold opinion...... to. ask gold opinion...... to. ask gold opinion...... to.

  • #2
    Irgendwie nervt der Typ langsam
    Hier ensteht eine neue Signatur.


    • #3
      @Chriz da gebe ich dir recht Aber warum?


      • #4
        Ich kappiere net was der von uns will

        Bin ich da der einzigste, oder geht es euch genauso ???


        • #5
          China GattlingCannon amendment of China Laser GattlingCannon???


          • #6
            Warum soll er nerven?

            Tell it in easy English, what do you want from us, please

            Duke ist "mein ganz persönlicher Kummerkastendaddy"


            • #7
              Could you please describe your problem a little bit more precise? This is a german forum, so please try to build full understandable sentences.
              I lower myself to your standards for communication purposes.


              • #8
                Irgentwie is der Typ doch lustig . Gibt sich immer so viel Mühe ...


                • #9
                  das zeug is doch eh nur alles kopiert

                  kappiere aber immer noch nicht was er meint


                  • #10
                    Hahaha witz das iss alles nur kopiert ,,,,, natürlich iss fast alles kopiert weil die codes nun mal von EA gemacht worden sind .....
                    Also wenn ich ihn verstanden hab hat er das chinesische Gattling so umgecodet das es einen Laserstrahl schießt .....
                    Deshalb auch in der ShellMap ....
                    Warum er das hier postet weiß ich auch nich. scheint ja zu funzen ....


                    • #11
                      warum der des macht? Wohl um ihn zu vergöttern weil er so tolle Sachen kann und so ich kenn des zu gut des machen so ein paar Spackos aus meiner Klasse immer!

                      "Sometimes when i get sad i stop being sad and be awesome instead ...true story"


                      • #12
                        wenn 's so iss wie 's scheint dann ghört des zeugs in 's mod forum!
                        macht des ma bitte jemand!
                        d.h. er hat schon wieder nen beitrag ins falsche forum gepostet!!!
                        ...wollt ich nur mal anmerken...


                        • #13
                          Ganz ruhig, Mann!

                          Thread closed -->

                          Talk in this Thread:

                          Duke ist "mein ganz persönlicher Kummerkastendaddy"

