Ich besitze Windows 7, habe Shockwave 1.0 in Stunde Null Ordner installiert wenn ich dann shockwave starten will kommt folgene Fehlermeldlung:
You have encountered a serious error, Serious errors can be caused by many things including viruses,overheated hardware and hardware that does not meet the minimum specifications for the game. Please visit the forums at www.generals.ea.com for suggestet courses of action or consult your manual for Technical Support contact information.
Bitte um hilfe.
Ich besitze Windows 7, habe Shockwave 1.0 in Stunde Null Ordner installiert wenn ich dann shockwave starten will kommt folgene Fehlermeldlung:
You have encountered a serious error, Serious errors can be caused by many things including viruses,overheated hardware and hardware that does not meet the minimum specifications for the game. Please visit the forums at www.generals.ea.com for suggestet courses of action or consult your manual for Technical Support contact information.
Bitte um hilfe.