einem meiner Clanbrüder stürzt ständig zero hour ab ca 80% der Spiele enden abrupt auf dem Desktop mit Sirious Error Meldungen nun hat er mal aus dem XP Berichtsprogramm folgende Fehlermeldung kopiert die dort nach einem Absturz stand kann einer sagen was sie bedeutet und was zu tun ist.
Er hat einen AMD 2800+ 512 Mb ddrram ,geforce 4200 (oder so)
Release Crash at Wed Oct 29 22:38:04 2003
; Reason Uncaught Exception in GameEngine::update
Last error:
Exception is access violation
WinMain at 4016e0
Description: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Access address:00000028 was written to.
Stack Dump:
(-1) : 0x005399C7
(-1) : 0x0504254C
(-1) : 0x00544950
Register dump...
Eip:005399C7 Esp:0012A670 Ebp:08FD69CC
Eax:0305DEA0 Ebx:00000000 Ecx:09E7E478
Edx:00000020 Esi:0A4BFD0C Edi:00000000
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000
EIP bytes dump...
Bytes at CS:EIP (005399C7) : 89 7A 08 89 58 08 89 58 0C 66 FF 89 D0 00 00 00 89 18 89 58 04 FF 4E 20 8B 4C 24 18 83 C0 10 49
Current stack
Er hat einen AMD 2800+ 512 Mb ddrram ,geforce 4200 (oder so)
Release Crash at Wed Oct 29 22:38:04 2003
; Reason Uncaught Exception in GameEngine::update
Last error:
Exception is access violation
WinMain at 4016e0
Description: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Access address:00000028 was written to.
Stack Dump:
(-1) : 0x005399C7
(-1) : 0x0504254C
(-1) : 0x00544950
Register dump...
Eip:005399C7 Esp:0012A670 Ebp:08FD69CC
Eax:0305DEA0 Ebx:00000000 Ecx:09E7E478
Edx:00000020 Esi:0A4BFD0C Edi:00000000
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:0038 GS:0000
EIP bytes dump...
Bytes at CS:EIP (005399C7) : 89 7A 08 89 58 08 89 58 0C 66 FF 89 D0 00 00 00 89 18 89 58 04 FF 4E 20 8B 4C 24 18 83 C0 10 49
Current stack