also ich hab yr noch nie online gespielt und wollte als ich heute endlich einen 512 bekam online spielen.den serial hab ich an niemanden weitergegeben.was seh ich als ich ins wol gehen will:
you´ve temporarily been banned.would you like to open your web browser to get more infarmation?
dann steht das:
Your serial# has been banned
Banned serial numbers are the result of invalid or corrupt registration information in your Windows registry which may be the result of hacks, cheats, or using a pirated version of our game. In order to remove this information, completely uninstall the game. Then, go to: Start, Run, and type "regedit". When your Registry Editor program appears, hit the F3 key on your keyboard. Type "tiberian sun", "red alert", or the title of the game you are playing in the space provided and hit "Find". When it finds a key with your search string, hit the delete key to delete it. Hit the F3 key again and do the same thing for every instance until it says that it has finished searching through the registry. Restart your machine and then reinstall the game.
Note however, that if you have ever downloaded any illegal version, cheat, hack, trainer, or any other addition for one of our games not specifically released by Westwood Studios, we are unable to provide any technical support. Because we have no control over what these programs enter into your registry, we are unable to assist in the removal of the problematic information. You must completely remove all traces of these programs manually in order for your software to work correctly. If you are using a pirated version of our game, or a serial number that was taken from another customer or distributed on the Internet, then you are violating our Terms of Service and we cannot help you. Software piracy is illegal and we support all law enforcement efforts to prosecute individuals that pirate our games. When we identify Serial numbers which have been distributed, they are immediately turned off and will not be turned on again.
Contact for more information.
was soll das?seh ich aus wien warez user der so dumm ist mit nem keygen serial versucht online zu socken?
you´ve temporarily been banned.would you like to open your web browser to get more infarmation?
dann steht das:
Your serial# has been banned
Banned serial numbers are the result of invalid or corrupt registration information in your Windows registry which may be the result of hacks, cheats, or using a pirated version of our game. In order to remove this information, completely uninstall the game. Then, go to: Start, Run, and type "regedit". When your Registry Editor program appears, hit the F3 key on your keyboard. Type "tiberian sun", "red alert", or the title of the game you are playing in the space provided and hit "Find". When it finds a key with your search string, hit the delete key to delete it. Hit the F3 key again and do the same thing for every instance until it says that it has finished searching through the registry. Restart your machine and then reinstall the game.
Note however, that if you have ever downloaded any illegal version, cheat, hack, trainer, or any other addition for one of our games not specifically released by Westwood Studios, we are unable to provide any technical support. Because we have no control over what these programs enter into your registry, we are unable to assist in the removal of the problematic information. You must completely remove all traces of these programs manually in order for your software to work correctly. If you are using a pirated version of our game, or a serial number that was taken from another customer or distributed on the Internet, then you are violating our Terms of Service and we cannot help you. Software piracy is illegal and we support all law enforcement efforts to prosecute individuals that pirate our games. When we identify Serial numbers which have been distributed, they are immediately turned off and will not be turned on again.
Contact for more information.
was soll das?seh ich aus wien warez user der so dumm ist mit nem keygen serial versucht online zu socken?
