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Unit Profile: the Reaper

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  • Unit Profile: the Reaper


    There is a popular postwar saying in the Soviet Union that translates to, "Hey, we tried." It was first uttered by a team of Sickle gunners on their ignoble return to base after the Allies' surprise siege on the former Premier's fortress at Leningrad. This led to a series of feel-good propaganda printings from the dismantled Soviet government to its shaken people (essentially an extravagant get-well card that cost the nation half of its remaining treasury). The image of a Sickle personified as a very sad-looking and bruised ice hockey player, with tears in its eyes and with one of its legs in a cast, became iconic throughout the war-torn Soviet Union. But even though thousands of Sickles met their crushing defeat in the war, this did not stop the Soviet Ministry of Experimental Science from refurbishing an older and less reliable prototype in an effort to maintain a modicum of defensive capability, and to remain solvent as a business. That prototype, commonly known as the Reaper, was initially assumed to have only a fraction of its better-known cousin's power and maneuverability, as well as a crippling design flaw in its legs... a prime example of the self-deprecating "Hey, we tried" attitude so prevalent in the U.S.S.R. But if the latest reports are to be believed, the Reaper is no laughing matter.

    The Reaper is like a bigger, burlier version of the Sickle. Instead of the Sickle's signature heavy machine guns, the Reaper features three independently-articulated grenade launchers. In addition to that, a swivel-mounted rocket launcher is mounted to the top of the Reaper's canopy, and its tracking system turns out to be sophisticated enough to lock onto fast targets such as aircraft. Furthermore, the Reaper is built from a similar alloy to Soviet main battle tanks, so in spite of its somewhat clunky appearance, it is sturdier than the Sickle. If all this is to be believed, then the question becomes, why did the Kazminov Design Bureau (the Sickle's manufacturer) favor the less-powerful model and throw the other one away? One theory is both cynical and steeped in stereotype: The Soviets like cutting corners. The Sickle was cheaper to produce in bulk, and the Reaper had a few kinks not found in its lighter, quicker relative. So the Sickle went into mass-production, while the Reaper was sold off to the Ministry for a cheap sum.

    The Ministry of Experimental Science resuscitated the Reaper out of necessity, but has not yet been able to address its primary flaw: Its multiple weapon systems are too heavy for its spindly legs. This not only means the Reaper moves at a lower speed in comparison to the Sickle, it also means its legs are less than reliable. Much like its cousin, the Reaper is capable of leaping long distances due to the powerful, pressurized pistons in its legs. Unlike its cousin, however, the Reaper seems unable to execute a proper landing. In more than 99 percent of tests, new reports show, the Reaper winds up landing so hard from any attempt to jump that its legs snap off underneath it, and the Reaper's canopy winds up half-buried in the ground. Unlike Sickle gunners, who tend to take pleasure from leaping their vehicles to and fro, Reaper testers have reportedly grown fearful of having to use the vehicle's jump capability because of how painful the landings are.

    Apart from that one problem, the Reaper now appears to be a very capable multipurpose combat vehicle. Of course, the demilitarization of the Soviet Union means there should be no combat-certified vehicle operators available to use the things, and the Reapers themselves should be in relatively short supply. However, the ongoing tests conducted by the Ministry must mean a certain number of Soviet citizens are familiar enough with the Reaper's quirks and specialties that they could, in theory, represent a threat.

    Notizen vom Schlachtfeld:
    • Bristling with weapons -- The Reaper hails from an age of Soviet excess, which is why it's loaded down with so many explosive weapons. Its three fast-firing grenade launchers and top-mounted rocket rack are almost excessive in their stopping power, and let the Reaper attack both surface and air targets.

    • The price of punishment -- Because it is available in relatively short supply and packs so much firepower, the Reaper is fairly expensive to produce, even more so than a Soviet main battle tank. While most Soviet forces are considered to be specialized and efficient, the Reaper can be seen as something of a jack-of-all-trades.

    • The questionable proto-jump -- Much like the Sickle, the Reaper is capable of leaping long distances. Unlike the Sickle, the Reaper only gets one shot at this before its legs inevitably break, turning the thing into a makeshift defensive turret. Being much heavier than Sickles, Reapers can crush almost anything they land on, making the benefits of the proto-jump potentially outweigh the consequences.

    • The steadfast Reaper-turret -- Once legless, the Reaper remains fully operational apart from its lack of mobility. It can still attack in any direction, and because the jump landing tends to bury the Reaper's canopy halfway into the ground, its defenses are bolstered in this state.

  • #2
    AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

    Hier haben wir auch eine Ausführliche Beschreibung in Deutsch.

    "Wer grundlegende Freiheiten aufgibt, um vorübergehend ein wenig Sicherheit zu gewinnen, verdient weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit." -Benjamin Franklin

    "Es wäre ein schwerer Fehler, mich für tot zu halten!" -Kane


    • #3
      AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

      Allerdings sind seine Beine zu schwach konstruiert, weshalb er nach einem Sprung über große Distanzen keine gute Landung hinbekommt und sich seine Beine in den Boden bohren oder ein oder mehrere Beine abbrechen.
      Ich weiss nich was ich davon halten soll.


      • #4
        AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

        Hmm wieso kommt mir die Einheit nur so bekannt vor

        RA2 Concept Art


        • #5
          AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

          ach war das mal ürsprünglich von westwood gedacht oder wie?


          • #6
            AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

            Durch das unscheinbare Logo unten/rechts auf dem Konzept & der Tatsache das dieses Konzept für RA2 angefertigt wurde, würde ich annehmen das dies der Fall ist


            • #7
              AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

              ea sucks...-_-' mein ich ja, klar kann man das nicht übersehen aber das es für ra2 gedacht war wusste ich nicht


              • #8
                AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                Zitat von HQ|AnNo1935 Beitrag anzeigen
                [qimg][/qimg] [qimg][/qimg]



                Notizen vom Schlachtfeld:
                • Bristling with weapons -- The Reaper hails from an age of Soviet excess, which is why it's loaded down with so many explosive weapons. Its three fast-firing grenade launchers and top-mounted rocket rack are almost excessive in their stopping power, and let the Reaper attack both surface and air targets.

                • The price of punishment -- Because it is available in relatively short supply and packs so much firepower, the Reaper is fairly expensive to produce, even more so than a Soviet main battle tank. While most Soviet forces are considered to be specialized and efficient, the Reaper can be seen as something of a jack-of-all-trades.

                • The questionable proto-jump -- Much like the Sickle, the Reaper is capable of leaping long distances. Unlike the Sickle, the Reaper only gets one shot at this before its legs inevitably break, turning the thing into a makeshift defensive turret. Being much heavier than Sickles, Reapers can crush almost anything they land on, making the benefits of the proto-jump potentially outweigh the consequences.

                • The steadfast Reaper-turret -- Once legless, the Reaper remains fully operational apart from its lack of mobility. It can still attack in any direction, and because the jump landing tends to bury the Reaper's canopy halfway into the ground, its defenses are bolstered in this state.
                geil sieht´s aber aus


                • #9
                  AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                  Zitat von -Taiga- Beitrag anzeigen
                  ach war das mal ürsprünglich von westwood gedacht oder wie?
                  Was denkst du denn warum RA3 und C&C3 so gut im SP und von der Einheitenwahl her sind. Du dachtest doch nicht ernsthaft EA hat sich selber groß ne Birne gemacht. Aber diesmal haben die es mal richtig benutzt ihre Ahnungslosigkeit.
                  Wer die Vergangenheit beherrscht,kontrolliert die Zukunft, wer die Zukunft kontrolliert beherrscht die Vergangenheit. - Kane
                  Die Kontrolle der Medien ist die Kontrolle des Geistes - CABAL
                  Ab jetzt atmest du nichtmal mehr, bis wir sagen, dass es ok ist - Frank Woods


                  • #10
                    AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                    aso okay naja manchmal kann man ja ea etwas zutrauen oder nicht? auch wenns nur selten der fall ist...^-^


                    • #11
                      AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                      Zitat von -Taiga- Beitrag anzeigen
                      aso okay naja manchmal kann man ja ea etwas zutrauen oder nicht? auch wenns nur selten der fall ist...^-^
                      Jup. Wie gesagt, auf Westwood zu vetrauen und ihre Story und Einheitenideen war das weisete was EA machen konnte.
                      Wer die Vergangenheit beherrscht,kontrolliert die Zukunft, wer die Zukunft kontrolliert beherrscht die Vergangenheit. - Kane
                      Die Kontrolle der Medien ist die Kontrolle des Geistes - CABAL
                      Ab jetzt atmest du nichtmal mehr, bis wir sagen, dass es ok ist - Frank Woods


                      • #12
                        AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                        da ja westwood nicht mehr ist, hat damals generals an der geschichte völlig versagt...T^T naja


                        • #13
                          AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                          Schade nur, das die Entwickler von Generels die gleichen Leute waren, die schon RA2 Entwickelt haben, von daher macht die Theorie keinen Sinn :P
                          Ganz zu schweigen davon das EALA das Nachfolgestudio von Westwood Pacific ist, somit klauen sie also alte Ideen von sich selber
                          Hier ensteht eine neue Signatur.


                          • #14
                            AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                            hab gedacht westwood hat sich aufgeteilt einige gingen zu ea die anderen haben noch empire at war entworfen oder irre ich mich jetzt?


                            • #15
                              AW: Unit Profile: the Reaper

                              Zitat von -Taiga- Beitrag anzeigen
                              hab gedacht westwood hat sich aufgeteilt einige gingen zu ea die anderen haben noch empire at war entworfen oder irre ich mich jetzt?
                              Das stimmt. Die einen blieben in LA und die Hauptstelle von WW in Las Vegas wurde zu Petroglyph.

                              @ Chriz: Damit ist der "Ideenklau" ja auch vollkommen ok, es bleibt ja alles in der Familie.
                              Wer die Vergangenheit beherrscht,kontrolliert die Zukunft, wer die Zukunft kontrolliert beherrscht die Vergangenheit. - Kane
                              Die Kontrolle der Medien ist die Kontrolle des Geistes - CABAL
                              Ab jetzt atmest du nichtmal mehr, bis wir sagen, dass es ok ist - Frank Woods

