hier mal ein paar replays von mir.anmerkungen erwünscht,was man besser machen kann und so.viel spass
1v1 haha.CNC3Replay
automatch win 1v1.CNC3Replay
omg crazy won!haha.CNC3Replay
2gg2 verloren.CNC3Replay
2on2 at 3on3 map.CNC3Replay
2v2v1 win.CNC3Replay
2vs2 gewonnen with sw.CNC3Replay
hes really good.CNC3Replay
automatch loose.CNC3Replay
1v1 haha.CNC3Replay
automatch win 1v1.CNC3Replay
omg crazy won!haha.CNC3Replay
2gg2 verloren.CNC3Replay
2on2 at 3on3 map.CNC3Replay
2v2v1 win.CNC3Replay
2vs2 gewonnen with sw.CNC3Replay
hes really good.CNC3Replay
automatch loose.CNC3Replay