C&C Tiberium Crystal War - Dev Night
Wednesday 21st of September
21:00 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Time (CEST)
15:00 New York, United States (EDT)
20:00 London, United Kingdom (BST)
05:00 Sydney, Australia (EST) (Thursday morning)
15:00 Ottawa, Canada (EDT)
The War has just begun... a War to Command and Conquer. The stakes are high...
whoever controls the Tiberium decides the fate of humanity. Choose your side GDI or Nod.
Take your place on the battlefield with exciting new tanks like Predators, Scorpions, Raiders,
Mammoth Tanks and so much more in this free First Person Shooter.
Are you ready Commanders? Let the Tiberium Crystal War begin!
What do you need?
You need the Online Demo version of TCW which can be downloaded from any of the below 100mbit mirrors:
http://www.moddb.com/mods/tcw/downlo...ar-online-demo (UNITED STATES)
http://i7.zunnie.net/tcwdemo/TCW_DEMO.zip (GERMANY)
http://dev.mp-gaming.com/downloads/TCW_DEMO.zip (NETHERLANDS)
http://www.zunnie.net/tcw/demo/TCW_DEMO.zip (UNITED STATES)
What to do?
Simply extract the TCW_DEMO.zip on your harddrive and then run RenIP.exe
Enter the path to where you have your Game.exe located, enter your nickname, then enter the server name,
server ip and server port and hit the SAVE button. Then click on CONNECT. For example like this:

For those of you who have IRC clients you can join our server channel and chat with the Devs and Players
ingame through irc.mp-gaming.com in channel #MP-TCW

Do NOT install into your Renegade folder by the way...
Seeya ingame hopefully, if you have problems connecting or installing etc feel free to post in this
forum: http://forums.mp-gaming.com/index.php?showforum=910
Visit our Website and ModDB Profile:
Greetz zunnie
