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Mod Middle-Earth.

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  • #16

    Si tard seulement! *will cependant enfin spielen*, tu pourrais faire nich ainsi ne klitze petit vorabversion ? S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît
    Quel programme à modden tu prends

    So spät erst !
    *will aber endlich spielen*
    könntest du nich so ne klitze kleine vorabversion machen ?
    bitte bitte bitte
    was für ein programm zum modden nimmst du her


    • #17
      Einshuldingung,aber ich kann nicht ein Demo zu machen.Fur modding,ich
      Renx,Gmax und photoshop zu benutzen.


      • #18
        Si tu sur http: // vas tu peux écrire Fran et alors traduit dans allemand

        wenn du auf


        • #19
          Es gibt neue bild zu mein homepage!


          • #20
            j'aime cet(cette?) mod . je pênse qu'il va être très beau
            je sais que je ne suis pas bon en francais, ne rigole pas

            ich liebe diesen mod. ich denke(oder war es glaube) er wird seht gut.
            ich weiß das ich in französisch nicht gut bin, lach bitte nicht
            Hey, bin wieder da, hallo an alle


            • #21
              Dein franzosich ist nich schelcht!


              • #22
                was habt ihr alle gegen euer französisch^^

                vadren kann für einen franzosen relativ gut deutsch und so muss ich auch mit ihm reden, da ich kein französisch kann.

                also ich finde der mod sieht vielversprechend aus, und ich kann auch verstehen, dass er noch länger dauert.


                • #23
                  ich kann auch kein französich hab in der schule latein genommen. un ich freu mich auch schon auf den mod. endlich gibts zwerge juhu


                  • #24
                    Der Mund Saurons sieht auch gut aus. So richtig ekelhaft


                    • #25
                      Find mod aussi la classe (final. Des nains)
                      veut cependant donc ainsi ne vorabversion,
                      car je ne peux pas attendre jusqu'au juillet.

                      find den mod auch klasse (end. Zwerge)


                      • #26
                        Hier background fast endgültiges in Englisch bin ich nicht pus, es in französisch im Augenblick zu übersetzen:
                        (in franzosich:Voici le background presque final en anglais,je n'est pas pus le traduire en francais pour le moment)
                        This list may be slightly modified in the future
                        ***************************************** Gondor *****************************************

                        * Heros :

                        -Aragorn (On foot/On Horse) (King's costume)
                        -Imrahil(On foot/On Horse)
                        -Pippin (can mount on the back of heroes horses and on top of Treebeard, though you need a Rohan Allies for that)

                        * Units:

                        - Dol-Amroth warrior
                        - Dol-Amroth knights
                        -DunedainRanger (sword/bow)
                        -Tower Guards
                        -Citadel Guards

                        * Buildings :

                        No changes

                        * Upgrades :

                        No changes

                        * Evenstar powers :

                        - Adding summon Dol Amroth Knights
                        - Adding Aragorn's destiny (same as Anduril )

                        * Hero's abilities :

                        Gandalf :

                        No Change

                        Aragorn :

                        - Brego = Mount/Dismount Aragorn
                        - Ranger from the North = toogle to Bow mode (not decided wether it is a toogle or a special timed ability)
                        - Roi Elessar = Aragorn gains his new skin
                        - Same as before minus Athelas

                        Faramir :

                        - Heavy Armor upgrade
                        - Same as before

                        Boromir :

                        - Heavy Armor upgrade
                        - same as before

                        Pippin :

                        -Heavy Armor upgrade
                        -same as before

                        Imrahil :

                        - toogle on foot/horse
                        - Leadership (not confirmed for balance reasons)
                        - Prince of Dol Amroth (Summons 2 Dol Amroth Hordes)
                        - Glorious charge


                        ******************************************** Isengard ************************************************** *

                        * Heroes :

                        - Saruman
                        - Sharku
                        - Lurtz
                        - Ugluk
                        - Grima WormTongue

                        * Units :

                        - Pikemen
                        - Berseker
                        - Uruks
                        - Uruks Crossbows
                        - Uruks Scout
                        - Battering Ram
                        - Siege Ladder
                        - Mine
                        - Ballista
                        - Warg Riders
                        - The black scout birds (crebain i think)

                        * Buildings :

                        Same as before
                        crebains (?) pit

                        * Upgrades :

                        No changes

                        * Ring :

                        - Summon Sauron
                        - Warg Ambush = summons wargs
                        - Saruman the great = Saruman can use the WoP +
                        * Hero's abilities :
                        Saruman :

                        - Word of power (requires the Ring spell "Saruman the Great")
                        - all his previous abilities
                        Lurtz :

                        - no change

                        Ugluk :

                        - Slayer
                        - Leadership : giving armor and speed bonus
                        - Uruks' Captain : summons Uruks

                        Sharku :

                        - Leadership to nearby Wargs
                        - Warg Howl
                        - Charge glorieuse

                        Grima :

                        - Leadership : other units cause less damage to Grima
                        - Sneaky : can stealth if not moving
                        - Domination : stronger than Saruman's, may affect weak heroes (list of those will be posted)
                        - Poisoned Dagger : weakens the selected target as well as poison him


                        *************************************** Mordor ************************************************** *********

                        --------------------------------------Mordor: ---------------------------------------

                        * Heroes :

                        -Witchking (on foot-on horse-on FellBeast)
                        -Nazguls x3 (on foot - on horse - on FellBeast)
                        - Gothmog (on warg - on foot)
                        - Gollum
                        - The Mouth of Sauron

                        * Units :

                        - Orcs
                        - Orcs BowmenArcher
                        - Troll
                        - Drummer Troll
                        - Cave Troll
                        - Blacks Uruks
                        - Catapults
                        - Grond
                        - Siege tower
                        - Battering Ram
                        - Orc Leader (on warg - on foot)

                        * Buildings :

                        - Same as before

                        * Upgrades :

                        - No changes

                        * Ring Powers
                        Invocation des nazguls
                        Invocation de Saron

                        * Heroes abilities :

                        - On Horse/On Foot
                        - On FellBeast/ On Foot
                        - Mace/Sword
                        - Leadership
                        - Morgul Blade = poisons + weakens unit
                        - Screech

                        Nazgul :
                        - On Horse/On Foot
                        - On FellBeast/ On Foot
                        - Mace/Sword
                        - Morgul Blade = poisons + weakens unit
                        - Screech

                        Gothmog :

                        - On Foot/ On Warg
                        - Slayer
                        - Stand Your Ground = resistance to fear to all nearby units
                        - Load The Catapults ! = +100% faster recharge time to catapults
                        - Orc Captain = gives exp to selected orcs

                        Gollum :

                        ********************************************* Rohan ************************************************** ****

                        * Heroes :

                        - Theoden
                        - Eomer
                        - Gamling
                        - Hama
                        - Thoedred
                        - Eowyn
                        - Merry (can ride on horses back and on top of TreeBeard)
                        - ElfHem
                        * Units :

                        - Infanterie
                        - Yeomen Archer
                        - Peasants
                        - Rohirrim
                        - Rohirrim Archers
                        - Royal Guards
                        - Elven Warrior
                        - Ents
                        * Buildings :

                        -No changes

                        * Evenstar powers :

                        - Elrond's allegiance = spell needed to build elves
                        - Red Dawn : all units in the cursor are stronger for 2 minutes

                        * Heroes' Abilities :
                        Theoden :

                        - Same as before + dismount hobbit

                        Eomer :

                        - Same as before + dismount hobbit

                        Eowyn :

                        - Same as before (no hobbits because that would ruin her disguise)

                        Gamelin :

                        - the Banner of Rohan : summon Rohhirims
                        - Leadership to nearby Rohirrims
                        - on foot/ on horse
                        - BladeMaster

                        Hama :

                        - on foot/on horse
                        - Rohirrims captain = gives exp


                        - Rohan Warrior = summons Royal Guards
                        - Heroïc fighter = becomes temporarily nearly invincible
                        - Horn of Rohan = more or less like Boromir's horn


                        ****************************************** Last Alliance **********************************************

                        * Heroes :


                        * Units :

                        - Numenorian Soldier
                        - Numenorian Archer
                        - Elrond's Elven Warrior (bow/sword)
                        - Noldor Pikemen r
                        - Elven Knights
                        - Numenorian Knights
                        - Catapults
                        - Elven scouts

                        * Buildings :

                        - Farm
                        - Barracks
                        - Archery range
                        - Stables
                        - Elven Barracks
                        - Tower
                        - Siege Workshop
                        - Blacksmith
                        - Elven Stables

                        * Upgrades :

                        mix of Gondorian and Elven ones
                        * Evenstar :

                        - Based off the Gondorian tree, with some spells out ( due to time problems)
                        - Noldor Allies = summons 2 hordes of Noldorian pikemen
                        - Last Stand = all units selected get a temporary boost
                        - Last Alliance = summons 2 Numenorian hordes (warrior + archer) and 3 elven warrior hordes for some time

                        * heroes abilities :
                        Isildur :

                        -Leadership to nearby troops
                        - Will of Rock = Isildur becomes nearly invincible
                        - The Broken Sword = allows you to permanently kill Sauron
                        - BladeMaster

                        Elendil :

                        - Narsil = permanent damage bonus
                        - Leadership to nearby Numenorian
                        - King of all free men = give exp to selected troops
                        - Commander = summons 10 numenorian

                        Gil-Galad :

                        - Aeglos = permanent damage bonus
                        - High King of Noldor = summons a Noldorian pikemen horde
                        - Leadership to nearby Noldorian
                        - Spear throw

                        Elrond :

                        - Elven cloak
                        - bow/sword
                        - leadership to elven warrior
                        - arrowstorm

                        ****************************************** Elven ************************************************** *******

                        * Heroes :


                        * Units :

                        -Elven warrior
                        -Elite elven warrior
                        -Elven scouts
                        -Elven cavalry
                        -Lothlorien elves

                        * Buildings :
                        -Elven barracks
                        -Eagles tower
                        -Elven Farm
                        -Ents hill
                        -Scouts house
                        -Elven Stables
                        -Elven house of upgrades

                        * Upgrades :

                        -Valar blades
                        -Heavy armor
                        -Blessed arrows (equivalent of fire arrows)
                        * Evenstar :

                        -small variation from the Rohan Evenstar
                        -remains to be decided

                        * heroes abilities :
                        Elrond :

                        -Elven cloak
                        -Toogle bow/sword

                        Legolas :

                        - same as before
                        - Mounts horse

                        Haldir :

                        -Toogle bow/sword
                        - Wounded Arrow (cant remember the name, its Faramir's attack)
                        - Summon Elven warrior
                        -Elven Commander : gives exp to selected Elven warrior

                        Glorfindel :

                        - Mount horse
                        -Elven wood
                        -Outlaw leadership

                        Gil-Galad :

                        -Same as with the Last Alliance faction


                        ****************************************** Evil Men ************************************************** ***

                        * Heroes :

                        - Mumakil King
                        - *somebody*

                        * Units :

                        - Haradrims swordsmen
                        - Rhun soldiers
                        - Haradrim spears
                        - Haradrim bowmen
                        - Harad cavalry
                        - Heavy Harad cavalry
                        - Elite Mumakils (can transport 2 hordes and are stronger )

                        * Buildings :
                        - Slaughter house
                        -Mumakils Palace
                        -Guard Tower
                        - Armory

                        * Upgrades :

                        - War Tatoos (heavy armor)
                        - poisoned arrows
                        - Harad banner
                        * Evenstar :

                        - Mordor variation
                        - adding summon Khamul (Nazgul) and sme others

                        * heroes abilities :
                        Mumak King :

                        -Harad Horn
                        -(note : doesnt transport anyone)

                        Sulladan :

                        - Spear ThrowLance(il la lance)
                        - Slayer
                        - Leadership to nearby Haradrims
                        - King of Evil Men = summons a Haradrim horde


                        ****************************************** Evil Men ************************************************** ***

                        * Heroes :


                        * Units :

                        -Balrog warriors
                        -Orc bow
                        -Orc's sergeant
                        * Buildings :
                        - Orc's pit
                        - GuardTower
                        -Wolves pit
                        - Tower of the Dragons
                        - Furnace
                        - Spiders' cave

                        * Upgrades :

                        -Same as Mordor
                        * Evenstar :

                        - Mordor and Isengard mix

                        * heroes abilities :
                        Ungoliant :
                        - Poisoned Sting
                        - Summon small spiders

                        Sauron :

                        - Rain of Fire
                        - Summon orcs
                        - Domination (no time limit though)

                        Morgoth :

                        - Word Of Power (red and more powerful)
                        -Summon Balrog warriors
                        - Leadership to Balrog Warriors
                        - Black King : becomes invisible for 30 seconds

                        Gothmog :

                        - Same as Balrog although he can use the whip anytime (no reload time)

                        ****************************************** Angmar ************************************************** *****

                        * Heroes :

                        -WitchKing (toogle on fellbeast/on foot)
                        - Carn Dum War Lord
                        - Great Warg ghost
                        - Nazgul x2

                        * Units :

                        -Cave Dragon
                        -Carn Dum humans
                        -Warg ghosts
                        -Cave trolls

                        * Buildings :
                        - Orc's pit
                        - Carn Dum barracks
                        - Spectres pit
                        - Cave
                        -Guard tower
                        - Furnace

                        * Upgrades :

                        -Same as Mordor
                        * Evenstar :

                        - Mordor and Isengard mix

                        * heroes abilities :
                        Ungoliant :
                        - Poisoned Sting
                        - Summon small spiders

                        Sauron :

                        - Rain of Fire
                        - Summon orcs
                        - Domination (no time limit though)

                        Morgoth :

                        - Word Of Power (red and more powerful)
                        -Summon Balrog warriors
                        - Leadership to Balrog Warriors
                        - Black King : becomes invisible for 30 seconds

                        Gothmog :

                        - Same as Balrog although he can use the whip anytime (no reload time)

                        ****************************************** Goblins ************************************************** *****

                        * Heroes :

                        -Great Moutain Troll
                        - (Any ideas ? )

                        * Units :

                        -Goblins swordsmen
                        -Goblins Archers
                        -Mountain Trolls
                        -Moria Wargs
                        -Battering Ram
                        -( Any ideas ?)

                        * Buildings :
                        - Caves
                        -Goblins Pit
                        - Warg Pit
                        - Guard Towers
                        - Armory

                        * Upgrades :

                        - Remains to be decided
                        * Evenstar :

                        - Remains to be decided

                        * heroes abilities :
                        To be decided

                        ****************************************** Dwarves ************************************************** ***

                        * Heroes :

                        - Gimli
                        - Dain Ironfoot
                        - Gloin
                        - Balin

                        * Units :

                        - Dwarven warrior
                        - Khazad guards (double axe)
                        - Dwarven Crossbows
                        - Axe Throwers
                        - Dwarven Hunter (can hide in woods,toogle between small axe and crossbow)
                        - Bear
                        - sort of a ballista
                        - Ballista that throws spears

                        * Buildings :

                        - Guards Hall
                        * Upgrades :

                        -to be decided
                        * Evenstar :

                        - to be decided

                        * heroes abilities :
                        To be decided

                        ****************************************** Dwarves ************************************************** ***

                        * Heroes :

                        - Frodo Baggins
                        - Samwise Gamgee
                        - Paladin Took
                        - Maggot (the farmer in the 1st movie)
                        - Will Proudfeet
                        - Bilbo Baggins

                        * Units :

                        - Hobbits miliciansMillicien hobbits
                        - Pony rider
                        - Hobbit Sherrif
                        - Rock Thrower hobbits
                        - small catapults

                        * Buildings :

                        - Hobbits holes
                        - Farm
                        - Small guard tower
                        - Stables
                        - Lumber Mill
                        * Upgrades :

                        -to be decided
                        * Evenstar :

                        - to be decided

                        * heroes abilities :
                        To be decided

                        As you can see, theres an evident lack of ideas, especially for the last 3 factions therefore all ideas are welcome


                        • #27
                          höert sich gut an.


                          • #28
                            js schon. aber ich befürchte, dass ich mir den download mit meinen 2000 megabyte trafiik net leisten kann


                            • #29
                              hört sich echt super an, aber wie groß wird den die Mod ungefähr? und in welcher Sprache erscheint sie?
                              Elementarmagierin - Suki Takabe
                              22 Titel ---> "Eine Art Große Sache"

                              1. Zorn--Elementarschwert der Verzauberung und Qualschild der Tapferkeit
                              2. Hitze--Riesen-Krummschwert der Tapferkeit und Dunkelschild der Hingabe

                              Guild:Aufmerksamkeits Defizit Syndrom -[ADS]-


                              • #30
                                Ich hab jetzt nicht nachgezählt aber das sind mindestens 10 Rassen!
                                Ich bin echt platt.
                                Und er will wirklich hobbits machen^^?

