also, da es ja hier einen kleinen Streit gegeben hat, ob Sturmtruppen Klone sind oder nicht habe ich mir die mühe gemacht und bin von seite zu seite und habe zitate gesammelt zu diesem thema:
Warum zielen Sturmtruppen so schlecht in Episode 4,5,6
The first Stormtroopers were introduced in 22 BBY. Then called Republic clone troopers, they were clones of bounty hunter Jango Fett, who was killed at the Battle of Geonosis. The armor that they wore was later improved for use by future Imperial Stormtroopers. They turned on their Jedi Generals, by Order 66 of Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious when the Galactic Empire was formed at the end of the Clone Wars.
In the original trilogy, some troopers appear to have vocal and height differences (notwithstanding Princess Leia's "a little short for a storm trooper" comment to Luke in Episode IV). This is because the clone stormtroopers of this era are grown using the DNA of multiple hosts. The Star Wars Expanded Universe also shows the Stormtrooper Corps is a mixture of clones and recruits, the latter of which are trained on the planet Carida.
During the Galactic Civil War, there was only one clone trooper that took sides with the Rebel Alliance. When the New Republic defeated the Empire years after the end of the Galactic Civil War and took over the machinery of galactic government, they terminated the Stormtrooper program,...
In the original trilogy, some troopers appear to have vocal and height differences (notwithstanding Princess Leia's "a little short for a storm trooper" comment to Luke in Episode IV). This is because the clone stormtroopers of this era are grown using the DNA of multiple hosts. The Star Wars Expanded Universe also shows the Stormtrooper Corps is a mixture of clones and recruits, the latter of which are trained on the planet Carida.
During the Galactic Civil War, there was only one clone trooper that took sides with the Rebel Alliance. When the New Republic defeated the Empire years after the end of the Galactic Civil War and took over the machinery of galactic government, they terminated the Stormtrooper program,...
The stormtroopers were direct descendants of the clone troopers created from a template of Jango Fett in 22 BBY to serve the Republic in the Clone Wars. During the time of the Battle of Yavin, Fett's clones were still used for the Empire, although Fett's progeny were heavily supplemented with clones from new DNA sources and troopers recruited in the traditional way. When the New Republic defeated the Empire in the Galactic Civil War and took over the machinery of galactic government, they terminated the stormtrooper program including the cloning process on Kamino. The Imperial Remnant continued to use stormtroopers in battle until a peace treaty was signed some years after. Following the treaty, stormtroopers became little more than guards and police officers on Remnant worlds, though they fought along with their New Republic and Galactic Alliance contemporaries against the Yuuzhan Vong.
Warum zielen Sturmtruppen so schlecht in Episode 4,5,6
I think the best explanation I have heard as to why the Stormtroopers are less than stellar is that they are second generation clones or clones of the clones and they can be compared to how a baked potatoes tastes when it is zapped in a microwave instead of cooked in an oven. Both potatoes get cooked but there is just something missing from the microwaved one.