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  • Eroberungs-mod

    so ich habe ma eine kleine frage! wäre jemand bereit diesen text zu übersetzen oder wenigstens das wichtigste wiederzuspiegeln. meine englischkentnisse sind wirklich nicht grad die besten aber ich weiß das es hier viele hilfsbereite leute gibt mich interessiert der eroberungsmodus wirklich ungemein und ich glaube ma da bin ich nicht der einzigste. außerdem könnte man einige infos doch auch als news posten oder ?

    The War of the Ring is an infinitely replayable, turn-based strategy mini game which will be playable both online and offline based on the Risk™ board game on the Living World Map. Singleplayers will battle against a strategic A.I. and multiplayer allows you and a friend to battle for control of Middle-earth on the big Middle-earth map. It was originally meant to be included in BfME 1 but was scrapped due to time constraints. I've seen it played and it won't be scrapped for BfME 2!

    War of the Ring mode will allow you to battle in all the key locations in Middle-earth, such as Helm's Deep, Isengard, Rivendell, Minas Tirith, and Minas Morgul. You create your own history of the War of the Ring--and it plays out differently every time

    It's a turn based game (Risk/Rome Total War) where each turn consits of 6 phases (will probably be combined into one phase, but at the moment it's 6 phases):
    1) Train units at barracks (same units as available in the game)

    2) Build structures in your territories - there will be 1-3 structures allowed in each territory (based on size). Structures will include a barracks, armoury (for an offensive bonus), tower (defensive bonus) and a farm (for more command points).

    3) Chose destination territory for your garrisoned armies. Heros are identified with flags, you can associate armies with heros for added bonuses (just like in the game).

    4) Chose destination territory for your heros (obviously will be combined with 3).

    5) Battles - there are THREE OPTIONS; 'auto-resolve', 'real time' and 'retreat'. Auto-resolve will use stastics to calculate the winner (it's for faster matches). Retreat is obvious, you retread and lose some of your men! Real time is the fun one, you can actually go and battle in real time . EVERY TERRITORY has it's own map and you can build units in real time based on your structures in that territory. At the moment, you start with 10K in cash (not possible to save between battles).

    6) Chose destination territory for your defeated armies - self explanatory.

    There is one obvious problem with this game, it may take WEEKS to actually win online if you never auto-resolve! If you fight an entire battle on 50 maps that will take a hell of a long time. One of the ways EA is considering to overcome this is a feature to allow those playing the online version to save the game and come back to it a few days later. This seems like a good idea since battling a good online player for control of Middle-earth could take a long time. Aaron Kaufman stated that this feature will more than likely make it into the BFME2, but it is not certain yet.

    i) It's impossible to lose a hero.
    ii) There will be some kind of default for when playing online so if one player wants to 'auto-resolve' and the other wants to fight then it will default to one (hopefully the default will be chooseable before you start) of these options.
    iii) There is currently no Gollum running around the Living World Map (so no 'One Ring').
    iv) There are no resources on the maps, the games in real time will be fast
    v) If you are in Helms Deep (for example), you will start IN Helms Deep and the attacker will have to seige you.
    vi) The larger the map on the Living World map, the larger the real time map will be.
    vii) The coastal areas will have more naval battles, and the mountainous areas will have more choke points.

    It's a great idea and it's a WHOLE second game within the package (I can't call it a game, it's a whole package ). We will see how popular it is, they better NOT scrap it this time!

    hoffe ma ich irre mich nciht und jemand ist so nett....

  • #2
    Mach ich am Wochenende


    • #3
      Ich möchte ja nicht klugscheißen aber Übung macht den Meister und Englisch ist wohl die wichtigste Sprache! Also auch mal selbst versuchen Bablfish soll helfen


      • #4
        Das wär natürlich auch ne gute Idee


        • #5
          Gib den Text doch einfach in Google ein und der spuckt dir das in Bruchstückhaftes Deutsch aus. Das kann man aber immer noch lesen


          • #6
            Zitat von Golem2002
            Ich möchte ja nicht klugscheißen aber Übung macht den Meister und Englisch ist wohl die wichtigste Sprache! Also auch mal selbst versuchen Bablfish soll helfen
            ich hab einen gewissen grundschatz und der reicht mir... mach ichs halt selber close please...


            • #7

