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Beta Test Key

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  • Beta Test Key

    English Version:
    Today HDRHQ received the keys for the Battle for to Middle Earth II beta test version, so far had only the (Amazon Vorbesteller) of BFME II had the chance to paticipate at the open Betatest and to get the first impression of the game and to send EA improvement suggestions and bugs.
    We made a Thread in the HQBoard, here the Betatesters can give their impression about the game (link)
    HDRHQ drawn by lots 10 beta test keys for the BFME2 beta version, the only thing you have to do to win one of the keys is that you have to find the 4 pices of the BFME2 puzzle on or Then you contact us per e-mail and then we drawn by lots the keys and we contact the winners per e-mail.
    The puzzle and the puzzle icons still are still colorless but it will change.
    Please use the (Puzzelvorlage) so you can paste the icons in Paint to get the picture. If you do not want to puzzle then send us the four icons.
    send the complete Puzzle to:
    Via Email an: Sisslik@HQNetwork.Net Subject: BFME2 Puzzle HDRHQ.
    Zuletzt geändert von HQ|Buccane; 08.01.2006, 22:43.
    HdR Head Administrator
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