EA Predator spricht von einem BETA patch 1.01 für die Community. So könnten wir mit dem Patch früher Spielen. Hier was EA Predator dazu sagt:
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The main goal of the beta patch would be to get you guys playing on it early, only take extreme critical feedback, but by and large get it in your hands early while we go through our normal QA and approval process.
That is the latest, I'll know more in a few days about that. We're close to having a build of the patch ready for approval/QA testing - which is just the typical standard process i've explained many times that anything and everything we do must go through :-)
That is the latest, I'll know more in a few days about that. We're close to having a build of the patch ready for approval/QA testing - which is just the typical standard process i've explained many times that anything and everything we do must go through :-)
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