Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Valhalla v4.2 Mod
Beschreibung: This mod adds a Viking theme to Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, as well as many new gameplay tweaks and changes such as new items, skills changes, and recipies.
From: Afterlife
Filename: V110_valhallav42.zip
Size: 72.6MB
How to install:
1) Make sure you have bnet v1.1 installed.
2) Back up your current Patch_D2.mpq, d2lang.dll, d2game.dll, d2client.dll,
and d2win.dll by either by putting them in a new folder or changing the name
of them.
4) Put all the files in this zip file into your main Diablo 2 directory.
5) Run the game!
If you find anything weird, unbalanced, or anything else abnormal please
send feedback to jdevine420@gmail.com or
you can IM me on AIM @ AfterlifeMobile
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cube recipes:
Brain + item = rare item
Jaw + item = 1 socket in item
Brain + Jaw = Torch
Torch + Brain + item = Set Item
2 torches = Heart
Heart + Brain + item = same item, fully socketed
Small Charm + Heart + Brain = same charm, socketed
Large Charm + 1-2 Hearts + Brain = same charm, 1-2 sockets
Grand Charm + 1-3 Hearts + Brain = same charm, 1-3 sockets
Torch + Normal Item = Exceptional Item
Heart + Exceptional Item = Elite Item
Tome of ID + Tome of TP = Cow Portal
Eye + magic/rare item = same item + 5% IAS
Fang + magic/rare item = same item + 2% to DMG
Quill + magic/rare item = same item + 2% to AC
Spleen + magic/rare item = same item + 2 to life
Horn + magic/rare item = same item + 2 to mana
Tail + magic/rare item = same item + 30 to AR
Flag + magic/rare item = same item + 1% Magic Find
Item + Thor's Power = Unique Item
Normal Item + Perfect gem(s) (1-6) = Socket(s) by amount of perf gems you used
Magic Item + Perfect gem(s) (1-6) = Socket(s) by amount of perf gems you used
Socketed Item + Brain or Jaw + Any Marble = Socketed Item + Socketed Items
Any item + any marble stone + 2 hearts + Zod or Ultima rune = same item,
2 Stone of Odin's + Stone of Loki = Stone of Protection
2 Stone of Odin's + Stone of Thor = Stone of Skill
2 Stone of Thor's + Stone of Odin = Stone of Damage
Stone of Odin + Stone of Thor + Stone of Loki = Stone of Damage Immunity
2 Stone of Sun's + Stone of Moon = Stone of Resistance
Stone of Loki + Stone of Sun + Stone of Moon = Stone of Vitality
2 Stone of Loki's + Stone of Odin = Stone of Speed
2 Stone of Moon's + Stone of Sun = Stone of Luck
Stone of Thor + Stone of Loki + Stone of Sun = Stone of Absorption
Stone of Odin + Stone of Thor = Eye
Stone of Thor + Stone of Loki = Horn
Stone of Thor + Stone of Moon = Tail
Stone of Loki + Stone of Moon = Flag
Stone of Odin + Stone of Loki = Fang
Stone of Odin + Stone of Sun = Quill
Stone of Odin + Stone of Moon = Spleen
1 of each gem [7] (same grade) = Same grade stone
3 Eyes = Horn
3 Horns = Tail
3 Tails = Flag
3 Flags = Fang
3 Fangs = Quill
3 Quills = Spleen
3 Spleens = Eye
2 Yellow Marbles = Blue Marble
2 Blue Marbles = Red Marble
2 Red Marbles = Green Marble
2 Green Marbles = Yellow Marble
Green Marble + Blue Marble = Orb of Element
Blue Marble + Yellow Marble = Orb of Fortification
Yellow Marble + Red Marble = Orb of Power
Red Marble + Green Marble = Orb of Price
Green Marble + Yellow Marble = Orb of Experience
Marble Rune Stone cube recipes: (MRS = Marble Rune Stone)
Green Marble + Red Marble + Yellow Marble + Blue Marble = Marble Rune Stone
MRS + Stone of Protection = -5% to enemy cold resistance, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Skill = -5% to enemy fire resistance, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Damage = -5% to enemy lightning resistance, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Damage Immunity = -5% to enemy poison resistance, +1 to level
MRS + Stone of Resistance = +10 to min elemental dmg, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Vitality = +10 to max elemental dmg, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Speed = +25 life, +25 mana, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Luck = +10 to min damage, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Absorption = +10 to max damage, +1 to level req
MRS + Green Marble = +2% to poison skill damage
MRS + Blue Marble = +2% to cold skill damage
MRS + Yellow Marble = +2% to lightning skill damage
MRS + Red Marble = +2% to fire skill damage
MRS + 2 Blue + Green Marble = +1 to Sorc skills, +3 to level req
MRS + 2 Green + Yellow Marble = +1 to Amazon skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Green + Red + Blue Marble = +1 to Barb skills, +3 to level req
MRS + 2 Yellow + Blue Marble = +1 to Necro skills, +3 to level req
MRS + 2 Red + Yellow Marble = +1 to Assassin skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Red + Blue + Yellow Marble = +1 to Druid skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Yellow + Green + Blue Marble = +1 to Paladin skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Orb of Element = +5 to elemental damages, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Fortification = +5% defense, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Power = +1 to all stats, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Price = Vendor prices reduced by 1%, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Experience = Experience increased by 1%, +2 to level req
Stone + Jewel Recipes:
Stone of Protection + Jewel = 50% Enhanced Defense, -2 hp regen
Stone of Skill + Jewel = +1 to All Skills, -2 hp regen
Stone of Damage + Jewel = 50% Enhanced Damage, -2 hp regen
Stone of Damage Immunity + Jewel = 10% Reduced Damage, -2 hp regen
Stone of Resitance + Jewel = +25 to All Resistances, +5 to max resists, -2 hp
Stone of Vitality + Jewel = 15% HP, 15% Mana, -2 hp regen
Stone of Speed + Jewel = +20% IAS, +20% Faster Run/Walk, -2 hp regen
Stone of Luck + Jewel = 100% MF, 200% GF, -2 hp regen
Stone of Absorption + Jewel = 5% Light, Fire, Cold Absorb, -2 hp regen
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~v4.2 changes~~
- More changed monster animations
- Necro curses and other skills on other characters fixed
- Updated unlimited stash
- Slightly increased drop rate of jaw and brain
- Hireling skills more powerful
- Act5 hirelings now have a chance to turn into a wearwolf or wearbear
- Increased monster level, hp, and dmg in hell
- Decreased diablo clone experience given in normal
- Decreased diablo clone level and damage in all diff
- Increased bovine dmg and hp, decreased level; all diff
- Reduced number of magic diablo clones that appear
- Recipe created to make stones
- Fixed Duriel drop
- Created recipes to create organs with other organs
- Gambling uniques, sets, and elites increased
- Elites now droppable
- Druid's skills enhanced
- Eliminated monsters being fire enchanted in hell
- Created unique Thor's suwayyah
- Monsters in norm given nm monster resistances, nm monsters given
hell monster resistances, and hell monster resistances doubled
- Intro music changed
- Reduced damage done by lightning spires
- Added +1 to barb skills on amethyst
- Created recipes to make marbles with other marbles
- Fixed barbarian increase stamina skill
- 2 unique arrows and 2 unique bolts made
~~v4.1 changes~~
- Decreased experience
- Increased chance to hit monsters
- Virtually unlimited stash space
- Rings and amulets able to have color
- NM and hell monsters harder
- Perf gems sold in all acts for nm and hell
- New item made to change items into uniques
- Jaws and brains now able to drop
- Jaws and brains no longer sold from vendors
- New gems no longer sold in A5
- Act 5 changed
- A few monster animations changed
- Stone gems level requirements lowered
- Stone gem cube recipes added
- Old runewords from 2.1 added
- Rejuv potion prices increased
- All armor names changed
- Act 3 changed
- Bovine population increased
- NPC selling prices increased
- Barbarian synergies reworked
- Exceptional belt socket bug fixed
- Minimum damage on bows increased
- More than one of the same unique can spawn per game
- 10 new sets added, including old ones from v2.1
- 4 new unique charms added
~~v4.0 changes~~
- New set item names no longer ""an evil force""
- New unique berserker axe now has a name
- Xydra Bow renamed to ""Odin's Bow"" and damage increased
- Constricting ring and Azurewrath enabled
- No more cow level crashes
- Monsters harder in nm and hell
- Easier leveling in nm and hell
- Better itemdrops from monsters in nm and hell (armor, weapons, etc.)
- Act4 changed
- Amazon elemental skill damage increased
- Meteor radius set to 7 and won't increase per level
- Changed inventory, stash, and cube background texture
- Increased size of inventory
- Decreased resistance property on skull
- Changed +requirements prop on stone + jewels recipe to -replenish life
- 2 new monster animations
- 800x600 border changed
- Monster chance to block decreased
- Monster defense reduced
- Diablo clones placed in Cave Level 1 (beware)
- New loading screen
- Claw viper temple level 2 changed
- Act1 caves changed
- 2 Valkyries allowed
- Druid, assassin, and necro skills increased
- Sorc frozen orb damage increased
- 2 golems allowed
- Organs given more recipes to addon with other items
- Arrows and bolts able to have more and better properties
- More color to magical and rare items
- Descriptions added to stones and organs
- Gambling costs decreased (fixes negative gambling bug at high levels)
- Added level requirement additions to some MRS recipes
- Added old set of runes from v2.1
- Runes given better chance to drop
- New recipe to make items ethereal
- New title screen
- Gemwords added for armor up to 6 sockets, belts, boots, and gloves
- Bigger catacombs level 4
- Mercenaries able to be given more items
- New sorceress set
~~v3.6 changes~~
- New marble items that work as charms but also in cube recipes
- Gem + marble stone recipes added
- Gem prices increased
- Increased potion healing
- A few new monster animation replacements
- Monster block and HP increased in NM and Hell
- Spider caves map changed
- Cow level changed a bit
- New orb items added
- Cube only takes up 1 space
- Lowered minion of destruction life and damage in normal
- Orbs given properties to make them useful other than for recipes
- Fixed paladin skills
- Perfect amethysts given ED% back instead of barb skill
- Charms finally able to be socketed
- Monsters able to drop higher level items
- Recipe to remove gems from sockets changed
- 3 new sets: 1 barb, 1 zon, 1 a1 merc
- Berserk required level and max level fixed
- Golem life changed and fixed
- New stones created for recipes
- Xydra Bow stats decreased
- New unique berserker axe created
- Sorc starts with only 1 cube
~~v3.5 changes~~
- Gemwords added for body armor
- Fixed boss damages
- Lowered monster levels in normal/nm so they are easier to hit
- Council members made easier
- Items more colorful
- New enchanted arrows and bolts
- New cloaks
- New stuff to gamble
- Cheaper gambling prices
- Jaws and Brains cheaper
- Some new gems cheaper and some more expensive
- Act1 town changed
- Cheaper gambling on rings and amulets
- Fixed berserk and sacrifice
- Fixed necro curses
- Drop rates changed
- Charms can once again be socketed
- Act5 town changed a little
~~v3.4 changes~~
- Greatly lowered monster life, chance to block, and ac
- Stats changed to 6 per level
- Fixed topaz faster cast property
- Changed damage of characters start weapon for more ease to begin
- Fallen taken out of Blood Moor
- Fixed golem damage
- Old runes and runewords restore
- Perfect Rubys give +1 to Druid skills
- Perfect Amethyst prop reduced to +1 to barb skills
- New and easier recipes for adding sockets to normal and magic items
- Characters now start with the cube
- Messed up text in various parts fixed
- Hirelings made much stronger
- No more rain
- Rares, sets, uniques easier to get
- New cube recipe to remove items from sockets
- A lot of item text color change
- Fixed emerald speed increase property
- More pets to chase around added to A1 town
- MF decreased on topaz because of drop increase
- Fixed block properties on topaz and ruby
- Ruby monster defense % changed from - to +
- Hireling will stay up to level with your character
- +1 to assassin and +1 to druid skills on both ruby and saphire
but in different places on both
- Multi arrow damage decrease damage taken away
- Strafe damage set to normal
- All missile velocities increased by 30%
- New Gemwords added for helmets
- Changed emerald properties a bit
- Added exp run
~~v3.3 release 2~~
- Updates for v1.1
- Playable on updated realm
~~v3.3 changes~~
- More monster balancing
- Exp decrease in norm but increase in nm and hell
- 2 mf/exp runs added
- New graveyard map
- Music version available
- Griswald now drops cube
~~v3.2 changes~~
- lost
~~v3.1 changes~~
- Armor attributes converted
- Weapon attributes converted
- Organ and torch drops converted
- new gems and amulets converted
- Arrows/bolts increased maxstack to 500
- Tomes of ID and TP increased to max of 50
- Gems can be bought like they were
- Class specific amulets can be bought/found
- Brain/jaws able to be bought
- Boots/gloves/belt/etc socketable
- Gem attributes converted to be the same as they were in old Valhalla
- Monsters have better chance of dropping items or gold
~~v3.0 beta for D2v1.1 (you must have D2v1.1 installed)~~
- Magic arrows and bolts added
- Class specific amulets added
- New gems added
- Moved some of Necros skills around
- Level requirement for skills changed
- Sorceress skill damages increased (NOT DONE YET)
- Max skill levels set to 30
- Starting items changed
- 5 stats per level changed to 6
- Gambling chances changed to: rare - 50%, set - 10%, unique - 5%
- Cube recipes converted
- Unique and rare upgrade recipes changed
- Normal/magic upgrade recipes fixed
- Blood raven cube drop added
- Monsters converted over for use with v1.1
- 'ladder' uniques work with single player
- Valhalla uniques converted over
- Big inventory size converted over
- New title screen
- A few other non-significant things converted over
- monsters balanced
- max skills capped at 45
- level 300 reachable
~~2.1 beta changes~~
- Magical arrows and bolts added
- Lowered monster block ratio and armor class in all difficulties
- 1 new gem with 5 different set of qualities
- New armor added for sorceress, druid, and necromancer
- Fixed golem stats
- Monster life revamped
- Monster damage revamped
- new setitems
~~1.11 beta/2.0 beta changes~~
- Missle (arrow, some sorc skills, etc) speed increased
- Fixed error where charsi won't sell jawbone and brain and she no longer
sells that chipped diamond
- Defense fixed on sacred armor
- Runewords fixed
- Assassin's skills balanced so that she is now playable in the mod
- Paladin's skills balanced so that he is now playable in the mod
- Hirelings level quicker
- Cow king almost always drops uniques
- Cube recipe for fully socketed item and set item changed so they dont
with the upgrading recipes
- Necromancer golem animations changed
- More monster animations changed & new monster sounds added
- Organ drops added with new cube recipes including them
- Made all charms able to spawn as rare and also have sockets
- New gems with high lvl require but good mods available from Mala
- Fixed gem mods so they are separated by whole spaces rather than commas
- Body parts that transmute with amulets can transmogrify into other parts
- Fixed a lot of crashes
- Fixed merc bug
- Fixed npc costs
- Added recipe to make charms socketed
- Monster life, damage, hit ratio, and defense increased by
10% in NM and 30% in hell
- Monster resistance to cold/lightning/fire increased in nm and hell
- Perfect topaz's only give +1 to sorc skills
- No more immune to physical monsters
- New graphics for inventory, cube, stash, etc..
- Fixed gambling costs
- Baal and Diablo made much harder
- Izual, Baal, and Griswold's unique drops are higher
- Perm charm selling fixed
- Skills changed a bit more
- Class specific amulets added
- Hell bovine animations removed because they caused a crash
- Dried corpse animations removed because they caused a crash
- Recipe to make uniques added
- All original D2:LoD uniques added
~~1.1 beta changes~~
- Some monster animations changed, some may be similar to Eastern Sun. Perfect
gave me permission to use his animations.
- Most of the in-game music changed, there is a separate download of the mod
of the major size difference with the music included
- New Runes
- Skill level requirements changed
- Sorceress skills more balanced so she is more powerful
- Necromancer skills more powerful and balanced
- New elite and class specific uniques
- Griswald, Izual, and baal will drop uniques and sets almost always
- Cube recipe to make unique removed because of other
monsters giving uniques easier.
- Monsters do more damage and have more life
- Game select screen changed
- New crafting recipes added (delayed until next version)
- Runewords changed
- Brighter colors when items are worn.
- New sets
- Hireables changed a little
- Max level 250
- Sorceress skilltree colors changed
- New Heart and Torch item upgrade recipes
- NPC's buy at the same price they sell
- Higher limit to max selling price for NPCs
- Fixed cow level waypoint so its accessible in the cow level
- Chance to find a godly rare is much easier
- stats and skills downgraded to 1 skill and 6 stats per level because of
the 250 level max
- Gems downgraded because they were much too powerful
- Telekinesis picks up everything again
- Amount of items in gambling screen increased
- Removed the Experience Penalties in Effect When More Than 5 Levels Higher
or Lower Than the Monster
- Removed amount of points that can be put into skills based on character
- Map levels edited in A1 so it's quicker to get around
~~1.0 beta changes~~
- Blood Raven now drops a cube in normal
- There is a 10% chance that Griswald will drop a torch in normal, 25% chance
nightmare and 50% chance in hell
- Skill levels are maxed out at level 30 base
- Monsters given 80% more life
- Added torch item to transmute with item into unique
- Added heart item to transmute with item into full socketed item
- Hearts can be changed into torches and torches into hearts, torches can be
from Charsi but at very high price. Both items can be found but are not
- Monsters do 80% more damage
- Monsters have 40% better drop ratio
- Unique changes (not all done yet but all of them will be changed)
- Added elite uniques (all absent elite unique's will be present in mod)
Bigger stash/inv/cube
- All gems have 3 modifications for each item it can socket. Gems will be very
useful and powerful in the mod.
- All wearable items can be socketed (still not sure whether to have amulets
and rings yet though)
- Necromancer summoning skills changed around. Revive is available at level 1,
skeletonsat level 18, and skeleton mages at level 30. Also clay golem will be
available at level 1. (more changes to necromancer summons will be
increased so that the necromancer is decently powerful).
- Uniques will be somewhat easy to make with a recipe with an item that can be
or bought (very pricey).
- Other cube recipes such as full item socketing will be available.
- Unless it is hosted on a server the game will be easy for leveling for the
version of release so that it is possible to get into the 90s in single
- 2 skills and 8 stats per level (may change stat amount to 6).
- Increased amount of sockets available in all items.
- Increased chance of finding uniques/rares/magic as default.
- Increased resistance penalty for each difficulty.
- Increased experience loss penalty when death occurs. Normal is set to 5% and
increases in 5% increments for each difficulty.
- Cow King can be killed and portal can still be opened.
- Cube recipe for cow portal now is: tome of Identity +
tome of townportal = Cow Portal
- Black Marsh waypoint taken out and Moo Moo Farm waypoint replaced in its
- New Sets will be created after uniques are finished being changed.
- There is a NPC in each act that will sell gems, charms, and a jewel.
Magic find works as it did prior to the .09 patch.
- All uniques and sets will be Viking related.
~*Special Thanks to:*~
Phrozen Keep and everyone who helps out there
everyone at the Valhalla forum
Diabolic Cartography
Mike aka Avalloc
David Downing aka Phalzyr
Perfect Cell
and of course, everyone who supports the mod![Smiley](http://www.hqboard.net/images/smilies/smiley.gif)
Beschreibung: This mod adds a Viking theme to Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, as well as many new gameplay tweaks and changes such as new items, skills changes, and recipies.
From: Afterlife
Filename: V110_valhallav42.zip
Size: 72.6MB
How to install:
1) Make sure you have bnet v1.1 installed.
2) Back up your current Patch_D2.mpq, d2lang.dll, d2game.dll, d2client.dll,
and d2win.dll by either by putting them in a new folder or changing the name
of them.
4) Put all the files in this zip file into your main Diablo 2 directory.
5) Run the game!
If you find anything weird, unbalanced, or anything else abnormal please
send feedback to jdevine420@gmail.com or
you can IM me on AIM @ AfterlifeMobile
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Cube recipes:
Brain + item = rare item
Jaw + item = 1 socket in item
Brain + Jaw = Torch
Torch + Brain + item = Set Item
2 torches = Heart
Heart + Brain + item = same item, fully socketed
Small Charm + Heart + Brain = same charm, socketed
Large Charm + 1-2 Hearts + Brain = same charm, 1-2 sockets
Grand Charm + 1-3 Hearts + Brain = same charm, 1-3 sockets
Torch + Normal Item = Exceptional Item
Heart + Exceptional Item = Elite Item
Tome of ID + Tome of TP = Cow Portal
Eye + magic/rare item = same item + 5% IAS
Fang + magic/rare item = same item + 2% to DMG
Quill + magic/rare item = same item + 2% to AC
Spleen + magic/rare item = same item + 2 to life
Horn + magic/rare item = same item + 2 to mana
Tail + magic/rare item = same item + 30 to AR
Flag + magic/rare item = same item + 1% Magic Find
Item + Thor's Power = Unique Item
Normal Item + Perfect gem(s) (1-6) = Socket(s) by amount of perf gems you used
Magic Item + Perfect gem(s) (1-6) = Socket(s) by amount of perf gems you used
Socketed Item + Brain or Jaw + Any Marble = Socketed Item + Socketed Items
Any item + any marble stone + 2 hearts + Zod or Ultima rune = same item,
2 Stone of Odin's + Stone of Loki = Stone of Protection
2 Stone of Odin's + Stone of Thor = Stone of Skill
2 Stone of Thor's + Stone of Odin = Stone of Damage
Stone of Odin + Stone of Thor + Stone of Loki = Stone of Damage Immunity
2 Stone of Sun's + Stone of Moon = Stone of Resistance
Stone of Loki + Stone of Sun + Stone of Moon = Stone of Vitality
2 Stone of Loki's + Stone of Odin = Stone of Speed
2 Stone of Moon's + Stone of Sun = Stone of Luck
Stone of Thor + Stone of Loki + Stone of Sun = Stone of Absorption
Stone of Odin + Stone of Thor = Eye
Stone of Thor + Stone of Loki = Horn
Stone of Thor + Stone of Moon = Tail
Stone of Loki + Stone of Moon = Flag
Stone of Odin + Stone of Loki = Fang
Stone of Odin + Stone of Sun = Quill
Stone of Odin + Stone of Moon = Spleen
1 of each gem [7] (same grade) = Same grade stone
3 Eyes = Horn
3 Horns = Tail
3 Tails = Flag
3 Flags = Fang
3 Fangs = Quill
3 Quills = Spleen
3 Spleens = Eye
2 Yellow Marbles = Blue Marble
2 Blue Marbles = Red Marble
2 Red Marbles = Green Marble
2 Green Marbles = Yellow Marble
Green Marble + Blue Marble = Orb of Element
Blue Marble + Yellow Marble = Orb of Fortification
Yellow Marble + Red Marble = Orb of Power
Red Marble + Green Marble = Orb of Price
Green Marble + Yellow Marble = Orb of Experience
Marble Rune Stone cube recipes: (MRS = Marble Rune Stone)
Green Marble + Red Marble + Yellow Marble + Blue Marble = Marble Rune Stone
MRS + Stone of Protection = -5% to enemy cold resistance, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Skill = -5% to enemy fire resistance, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Damage = -5% to enemy lightning resistance, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Damage Immunity = -5% to enemy poison resistance, +1 to level
MRS + Stone of Resistance = +10 to min elemental dmg, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Vitality = +10 to max elemental dmg, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Speed = +25 life, +25 mana, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Luck = +10 to min damage, +1 to level req
MRS + Stone of Absorption = +10 to max damage, +1 to level req
MRS + Green Marble = +2% to poison skill damage
MRS + Blue Marble = +2% to cold skill damage
MRS + Yellow Marble = +2% to lightning skill damage
MRS + Red Marble = +2% to fire skill damage
MRS + 2 Blue + Green Marble = +1 to Sorc skills, +3 to level req
MRS + 2 Green + Yellow Marble = +1 to Amazon skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Green + Red + Blue Marble = +1 to Barb skills, +3 to level req
MRS + 2 Yellow + Blue Marble = +1 to Necro skills, +3 to level req
MRS + 2 Red + Yellow Marble = +1 to Assassin skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Red + Blue + Yellow Marble = +1 to Druid skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Yellow + Green + Blue Marble = +1 to Paladin skills, +3 to level req
MRS + Orb of Element = +5 to elemental damages, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Fortification = +5% defense, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Power = +1 to all stats, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Price = Vendor prices reduced by 1%, +2 to level req
MRS + Orb of Experience = Experience increased by 1%, +2 to level req
Stone + Jewel Recipes:
Stone of Protection + Jewel = 50% Enhanced Defense, -2 hp regen
Stone of Skill + Jewel = +1 to All Skills, -2 hp regen
Stone of Damage + Jewel = 50% Enhanced Damage, -2 hp regen
Stone of Damage Immunity + Jewel = 10% Reduced Damage, -2 hp regen
Stone of Resitance + Jewel = +25 to All Resistances, +5 to max resists, -2 hp
Stone of Vitality + Jewel = 15% HP, 15% Mana, -2 hp regen
Stone of Speed + Jewel = +20% IAS, +20% Faster Run/Walk, -2 hp regen
Stone of Luck + Jewel = 100% MF, 200% GF, -2 hp regen
Stone of Absorption + Jewel = 5% Light, Fire, Cold Absorb, -2 hp regen
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~v4.2 changes~~
- More changed monster animations
- Necro curses and other skills on other characters fixed
- Updated unlimited stash
- Slightly increased drop rate of jaw and brain
- Hireling skills more powerful
- Act5 hirelings now have a chance to turn into a wearwolf or wearbear
- Increased monster level, hp, and dmg in hell
- Decreased diablo clone experience given in normal
- Decreased diablo clone level and damage in all diff
- Increased bovine dmg and hp, decreased level; all diff
- Reduced number of magic diablo clones that appear
- Recipe created to make stones
- Fixed Duriel drop
- Created recipes to create organs with other organs
- Gambling uniques, sets, and elites increased
- Elites now droppable
- Druid's skills enhanced
- Eliminated monsters being fire enchanted in hell
- Created unique Thor's suwayyah
- Monsters in norm given nm monster resistances, nm monsters given
hell monster resistances, and hell monster resistances doubled
- Intro music changed
- Reduced damage done by lightning spires
- Added +1 to barb skills on amethyst
- Created recipes to make marbles with other marbles
- Fixed barbarian increase stamina skill
- 2 unique arrows and 2 unique bolts made
~~v4.1 changes~~
- Decreased experience
- Increased chance to hit monsters
- Virtually unlimited stash space
- Rings and amulets able to have color
- NM and hell monsters harder
- Perf gems sold in all acts for nm and hell
- New item made to change items into uniques
- Jaws and brains now able to drop
- Jaws and brains no longer sold from vendors
- New gems no longer sold in A5
- Act 5 changed
- A few monster animations changed
- Stone gems level requirements lowered
- Stone gem cube recipes added
- Old runewords from 2.1 added
- Rejuv potion prices increased
- All armor names changed
- Act 3 changed
- Bovine population increased
- NPC selling prices increased
- Barbarian synergies reworked
- Exceptional belt socket bug fixed
- Minimum damage on bows increased
- More than one of the same unique can spawn per game
- 10 new sets added, including old ones from v2.1
- 4 new unique charms added
~~v4.0 changes~~
- New set item names no longer ""an evil force""
- New unique berserker axe now has a name
- Xydra Bow renamed to ""Odin's Bow"" and damage increased
- Constricting ring and Azurewrath enabled
- No more cow level crashes
- Monsters harder in nm and hell
- Easier leveling in nm and hell
- Better itemdrops from monsters in nm and hell (armor, weapons, etc.)
- Act4 changed
- Amazon elemental skill damage increased
- Meteor radius set to 7 and won't increase per level
- Changed inventory, stash, and cube background texture
- Increased size of inventory
- Decreased resistance property on skull
- Changed +requirements prop on stone + jewels recipe to -replenish life
- 2 new monster animations
- 800x600 border changed
- Monster chance to block decreased
- Monster defense reduced
- Diablo clones placed in Cave Level 1 (beware)
- New loading screen
- Claw viper temple level 2 changed
- Act1 caves changed
- 2 Valkyries allowed
- Druid, assassin, and necro skills increased
- Sorc frozen orb damage increased
- 2 golems allowed
- Organs given more recipes to addon with other items
- Arrows and bolts able to have more and better properties
- More color to magical and rare items
- Descriptions added to stones and organs
- Gambling costs decreased (fixes negative gambling bug at high levels)
- Added level requirement additions to some MRS recipes
- Added old set of runes from v2.1
- Runes given better chance to drop
- New recipe to make items ethereal
- New title screen
- Gemwords added for armor up to 6 sockets, belts, boots, and gloves
- Bigger catacombs level 4
- Mercenaries able to be given more items
- New sorceress set
~~v3.6 changes~~
- New marble items that work as charms but also in cube recipes
- Gem + marble stone recipes added
- Gem prices increased
- Increased potion healing
- A few new monster animation replacements
- Monster block and HP increased in NM and Hell
- Spider caves map changed
- Cow level changed a bit
- New orb items added
- Cube only takes up 1 space
- Lowered minion of destruction life and damage in normal
- Orbs given properties to make them useful other than for recipes
- Fixed paladin skills
- Perfect amethysts given ED% back instead of barb skill
- Charms finally able to be socketed
- Monsters able to drop higher level items
- Recipe to remove gems from sockets changed
- 3 new sets: 1 barb, 1 zon, 1 a1 merc
- Berserk required level and max level fixed
- Golem life changed and fixed
- New stones created for recipes
- Xydra Bow stats decreased
- New unique berserker axe created
- Sorc starts with only 1 cube
~~v3.5 changes~~
- Gemwords added for body armor
- Fixed boss damages
- Lowered monster levels in normal/nm so they are easier to hit
- Council members made easier
- Items more colorful
- New enchanted arrows and bolts
- New cloaks
- New stuff to gamble
- Cheaper gambling prices
- Jaws and Brains cheaper
- Some new gems cheaper and some more expensive
- Act1 town changed
- Cheaper gambling on rings and amulets
- Fixed berserk and sacrifice
- Fixed necro curses
- Drop rates changed
- Charms can once again be socketed
- Act5 town changed a little
~~v3.4 changes~~
- Greatly lowered monster life, chance to block, and ac
- Stats changed to 6 per level
- Fixed topaz faster cast property
- Changed damage of characters start weapon for more ease to begin
- Fallen taken out of Blood Moor
- Fixed golem damage
- Old runes and runewords restore
- Perfect Rubys give +1 to Druid skills
- Perfect Amethyst prop reduced to +1 to barb skills
- New and easier recipes for adding sockets to normal and magic items
- Characters now start with the cube
- Messed up text in various parts fixed
- Hirelings made much stronger
- No more rain
- Rares, sets, uniques easier to get
- New cube recipe to remove items from sockets
- A lot of item text color change
- Fixed emerald speed increase property
- More pets to chase around added to A1 town
- MF decreased on topaz because of drop increase
- Fixed block properties on topaz and ruby
- Ruby monster defense % changed from - to +
- Hireling will stay up to level with your character
- +1 to assassin and +1 to druid skills on both ruby and saphire
but in different places on both
- Multi arrow damage decrease damage taken away
- Strafe damage set to normal
- All missile velocities increased by 30%
- New Gemwords added for helmets
- Changed emerald properties a bit
- Added exp run
~~v3.3 release 2~~
- Updates for v1.1
- Playable on updated realm
~~v3.3 changes~~
- More monster balancing
- Exp decrease in norm but increase in nm and hell
- 2 mf/exp runs added
- New graveyard map
- Music version available
- Griswald now drops cube
~~v3.2 changes~~
- lost
~~v3.1 changes~~
- Armor attributes converted
- Weapon attributes converted
- Organ and torch drops converted
- new gems and amulets converted
- Arrows/bolts increased maxstack to 500
- Tomes of ID and TP increased to max of 50
- Gems can be bought like they were
- Class specific amulets can be bought/found
- Brain/jaws able to be bought
- Boots/gloves/belt/etc socketable
- Gem attributes converted to be the same as they were in old Valhalla
- Monsters have better chance of dropping items or gold
~~v3.0 beta for D2v1.1 (you must have D2v1.1 installed)~~
- Magic arrows and bolts added
- Class specific amulets added
- New gems added
- Moved some of Necros skills around
- Level requirement for skills changed
- Sorceress skill damages increased (NOT DONE YET)
- Max skill levels set to 30
- Starting items changed
- 5 stats per level changed to 6
- Gambling chances changed to: rare - 50%, set - 10%, unique - 5%
- Cube recipes converted
- Unique and rare upgrade recipes changed
- Normal/magic upgrade recipes fixed
- Blood raven cube drop added
- Monsters converted over for use with v1.1
- 'ladder' uniques work with single player
- Valhalla uniques converted over
- Big inventory size converted over
- New title screen
- A few other non-significant things converted over
- monsters balanced
- max skills capped at 45
- level 300 reachable
~~2.1 beta changes~~
- Magical arrows and bolts added
- Lowered monster block ratio and armor class in all difficulties
- 1 new gem with 5 different set of qualities
- New armor added for sorceress, druid, and necromancer
- Fixed golem stats
- Monster life revamped
- Monster damage revamped
- new setitems
~~1.11 beta/2.0 beta changes~~
- Missle (arrow, some sorc skills, etc) speed increased
- Fixed error where charsi won't sell jawbone and brain and she no longer
sells that chipped diamond
- Defense fixed on sacred armor
- Runewords fixed
- Assassin's skills balanced so that she is now playable in the mod
- Paladin's skills balanced so that he is now playable in the mod
- Hirelings level quicker
- Cow king almost always drops uniques
- Cube recipe for fully socketed item and set item changed so they dont
with the upgrading recipes
- Necromancer golem animations changed
- More monster animations changed & new monster sounds added
- Organ drops added with new cube recipes including them
- Made all charms able to spawn as rare and also have sockets
- New gems with high lvl require but good mods available from Mala
- Fixed gem mods so they are separated by whole spaces rather than commas
- Body parts that transmute with amulets can transmogrify into other parts
- Fixed a lot of crashes
- Fixed merc bug
- Fixed npc costs
- Added recipe to make charms socketed
- Monster life, damage, hit ratio, and defense increased by
10% in NM and 30% in hell
- Monster resistance to cold/lightning/fire increased in nm and hell
- Perfect topaz's only give +1 to sorc skills
- No more immune to physical monsters
- New graphics for inventory, cube, stash, etc..
- Fixed gambling costs
- Baal and Diablo made much harder
- Izual, Baal, and Griswold's unique drops are higher
- Perm charm selling fixed
- Skills changed a bit more
- Class specific amulets added
- Hell bovine animations removed because they caused a crash
- Dried corpse animations removed because they caused a crash
- Recipe to make uniques added
- All original D2:LoD uniques added
~~1.1 beta changes~~
- Some monster animations changed, some may be similar to Eastern Sun. Perfect
gave me permission to use his animations.
- Most of the in-game music changed, there is a separate download of the mod
of the major size difference with the music included
- New Runes
- Skill level requirements changed
- Sorceress skills more balanced so she is more powerful
- Necromancer skills more powerful and balanced
- New elite and class specific uniques
- Griswald, Izual, and baal will drop uniques and sets almost always
- Cube recipe to make unique removed because of other
monsters giving uniques easier.
- Monsters do more damage and have more life
- Game select screen changed
- New crafting recipes added (delayed until next version)
- Runewords changed
- Brighter colors when items are worn.
- New sets
- Hireables changed a little
- Max level 250
- Sorceress skilltree colors changed
- New Heart and Torch item upgrade recipes
- NPC's buy at the same price they sell
- Higher limit to max selling price for NPCs
- Fixed cow level waypoint so its accessible in the cow level
- Chance to find a godly rare is much easier
- stats and skills downgraded to 1 skill and 6 stats per level because of
the 250 level max
- Gems downgraded because they were much too powerful
- Telekinesis picks up everything again
- Amount of items in gambling screen increased
- Removed the Experience Penalties in Effect When More Than 5 Levels Higher
or Lower Than the Monster
- Removed amount of points that can be put into skills based on character
- Map levels edited in A1 so it's quicker to get around
~~1.0 beta changes~~
- Blood Raven now drops a cube in normal
- There is a 10% chance that Griswald will drop a torch in normal, 25% chance
nightmare and 50% chance in hell
- Skill levels are maxed out at level 30 base
- Monsters given 80% more life
- Added torch item to transmute with item into unique
- Added heart item to transmute with item into full socketed item
- Hearts can be changed into torches and torches into hearts, torches can be
from Charsi but at very high price. Both items can be found but are not
- Monsters do 80% more damage
- Monsters have 40% better drop ratio
- Unique changes (not all done yet but all of them will be changed)
- Added elite uniques (all absent elite unique's will be present in mod)
Bigger stash/inv/cube
- All gems have 3 modifications for each item it can socket. Gems will be very
useful and powerful in the mod.
- All wearable items can be socketed (still not sure whether to have amulets
and rings yet though)
- Necromancer summoning skills changed around. Revive is available at level 1,
skeletonsat level 18, and skeleton mages at level 30. Also clay golem will be
available at level 1. (more changes to necromancer summons will be
increased so that the necromancer is decently powerful).
- Uniques will be somewhat easy to make with a recipe with an item that can be
or bought (very pricey).
- Other cube recipes such as full item socketing will be available.
- Unless it is hosted on a server the game will be easy for leveling for the
version of release so that it is possible to get into the 90s in single
- 2 skills and 8 stats per level (may change stat amount to 6).
- Increased amount of sockets available in all items.
- Increased chance of finding uniques/rares/magic as default.
- Increased resistance penalty for each difficulty.
- Increased experience loss penalty when death occurs. Normal is set to 5% and
increases in 5% increments for each difficulty.
- Cow King can be killed and portal can still be opened.
- Cube recipe for cow portal now is: tome of Identity +
tome of townportal = Cow Portal
- Black Marsh waypoint taken out and Moo Moo Farm waypoint replaced in its
- New Sets will be created after uniques are finished being changed.
- There is a NPC in each act that will sell gems, charms, and a jewel.
Magic find works as it did prior to the .09 patch.
- All uniques and sets will be Viking related.
~*Special Thanks to:*~
Phrozen Keep and everyone who helps out there
everyone at the Valhalla forum
Diabolic Cartography
Mike aka Avalloc
David Downing aka Phalzyr
Perfect Cell
and of course, everyone who supports the mod