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no sense. why non sense. the differents between race-game and ego-shooter ist clear, you can always compare the fun that you have when you play a game.
I cant speak english very good, so i´ll tell you somethink in German-English:
I hau you down the Kellertrap,
that you´ll never comeback to the tageslih
I don't think it's nice...
For everybody who'd like to read this i'll try to translate:
Hey people
I can't speak English very well so I'll tell you something in a German-English mixture:
I'll beat you downstairs such brutal,
you might never see daylight again.
It's nice, isn't it?
Bye, Marcel.
My tip for you:
You should learn English.
Otherwise you won't achieve anything good in your future.
And don't do anything like that again! This is an English threat!
You might get in trouble.
Pink elephants?
I once again checked when I got my PC.
It was Christmas 04, not 05.
Well, christmas I got the money and 1 - 2 Months later I had all the parts together.
I've build it on my own.
Zuletzt geändert von HQ|Doskilos; 12.05.2006, 22:58.
ähm, puh, difficult...i dont know...lets talk about hosen, hosen are praktisch
NO, just fun
Ahh, today i heard from a radical murder in belgium, what do you think about that?? I think, that so a stupid person, should keep in a deep, dark room without an window, so that he HAVE TO think about it!!
OK, a right radical "belgier" bought a shotgun and go on the street to kill so many alien he is able to kill. He killed, i think ,3 persons, one of them was a 2year old child...