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This guy is a ... i have no words about it... only stupid... he must have to be arrest the rest of his live...
Mein Sohn ist kein Kommunist. Er ist vielleicht ein Lügner, ein Schwein, und vielleicht ist er sogar ein Kommunist. Aber er ist ganz bestimmt kein Pornostar!!!
i think so too, when you think, you are an alien everywhere else on the world, it is only stupid and he should arrest in a depp,littel, dirty,nesty room!
me too...
But not everyone can understand everything, so perhaps those people ask, why we do nothing...but this people should be arrested for all time...
Mein Sohn ist kein Kommunist. Er ist vielleicht ein Lügner, ein Schwein, und vielleicht ist er sogar ein Kommunist. Aber er ist ganz bestimmt kein Pornostar!!!
well...i don`t think a guy, never does see the Daylight any more, needs psychpatic help...he is in his 4 qm² room all day...who needs psychopatic help are guys, which were arrested for some years, then they can get help. But a guy never will be free only costs money nothing else...
Mein Sohn ist kein Kommunist. Er ist vielleicht ein Lügner, ein Schwein, und vielleicht ist er sogar ein Kommunist. Aber er ist ganz bestimmt kein Pornostar!!!
Maybe you should describe, what climographs is about?
Dieser Beitrag wurde gesponsort von:Fronttaxi
Der eine kann, der andere nicht. Ich kann. Du nicht. Das Leben ist ein Adventure aus der First Person - Sau schwer, aber die Grafik ist geil! Wenn der Zeitpunkt gekommen ist, das ich ein Gewehr brauche, werden genug davon am Boden rumliegen...
I looked it up in google and i found a Definition (it even is in english )
How to Read a Climograph
Every place on Earth has weather. However, different places on Earth have different types of "typi-
cal" weather. Some places are dry, some are wet, some are hot, some are cold, and some are a little
of everything!
You can find out what the weather is like where you live by looking out the window or by stepping
outside. Weather refers to temperature, precipitation (rain and snow), and the wind's direction and
speed. Scientists who study the weather collect information from different places on Earth and
come up with averages, or typical types of weather, for a particular place. This average, or typical
type of weather that occurs during a year, is called the "climate."
A quick way to get an idea of the climate of a particular place is to look at a "climate-graph," or
"climograph." A climograph is what scientists create to show a particular location's average temper-
ature and precipitation during the year.
Below is a climograph for Moose Factory, Canada. To help you learn to read a climograph, the dif-
ferent parts of the climograph have been identified by number. A description of each of the num-
bered parts is given below.
1. The type of biome associated with the place.
2. The place where the temperature and precipita-
tion were measured.
3. A scale used to indicate inches of precipitation.
4. The months of the year. The letters J, F, M,
etc., stand for January, February, March, etc.
5. The temperature scale in degrees Fahrenheit.
6. A bar graph showing the average precipitation
for each month. In this example, the average
total precipitation is about 1 inch in January
and nearly 4 inches in August. (Note: Values
for this graph are found on the left-hand scale.)
7. A line graph showing monthly temperature dur-
ing the year. In this example, the lowest tem-
perature is about -5°F in January and the high-
est is about 45°F in July. (Note: Values for this graph are found on the right-hand scale.)
Mein Sohn ist kein Kommunist. Er ist vielleicht ein Lügner, ein Schwein, und vielleicht ist er sogar ein Kommunist. Aber er ist ganz bestimmt kein Pornostar!!!