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Ever read Tom Clancy - Executive Orders, from the Heyne Verlag?
Seems, that it is one of the few books in the world, I never read ...
But not only reading English books is an interesting experience (of course it also always depends on the book!) but also watching movies in English can be very comforting (I know this word does´t fit that well in this case ).
Just some days ago I watched "Der große Diktator" (don´t know the origin title) in English. Did any of you ever watch this movie? If yes, he or she could imagine what a pleasurous experience this was for me.
Wenn drei Personen in einen Raum gehen und fünf wieder rauskommen, müssen zwei Personen wieder hineingehen, damit der Raum leer ist...
Ever read Tom Clancy - Executive Orders, from the Heyne Verlag? The translation is horrible!
No, I don't like him, neither in English nor in German.
A few years ago I read Rainbow Six and it bored the hell out of me.
But that's what I am talkin' about, a bad translation can ruin everything.
Same goes for movies too.