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Late Night Thread [von 0:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

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  • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

    Jarhead du hast mehr avatare in den 48 stunden gehabt als ich und anno zusammen ^^


    • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

      Zitat von jarhead Beitrag anzeigen
      und wenn du dabei bist, kane, dann guck mal in meinen thread::d


      Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


      • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

        Zitat von xxxLegolasxxx Beitrag anzeigen
        Jarhead du hast mehr avatare in den 48 stunden gehabt als ich und anno zusammen ^^
        Ich sag jetzt ma nix

        "Wer grundlegende Freiheiten aufgibt, um vorübergehend ein wenig Sicherheit zu gewinnen, verdient weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit." -Benjamin Franklin

        "Es wäre ein schwerer Fehler, mich für tot zu halten!" -Kane


        • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

          Du spielst doch CSS, du müsstest doch wissen, ob sich etwas geändert hat.


          • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

            wow 3 leute schreiben zur gleichen zeit, naja wurscht guten morgen allerseits seit ihr gut ausgeschlafen?


            • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

              Zitat von Overgeneral Beitrag anzeigen


              Ein Mysterium. Tja Legolas, geht halt nicht anders


              • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                So bin jetzt auch da.


                • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                  naja als ich ehute aus der schule kamm hab ich mich hingesetzt gechillt , eingepennt und um sieben aufgewacht . ja ich bin ausgeschlafen


                  • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                    Zitat von HQ|AnNo1935 Beitrag anzeigen
                    So bin jetzt auch da.
                    Du hast bestimmt Bier mitgebracht?


                    • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                      Zitat von HQ|Kane Beitrag anzeigen
                      Also was macht Ihr gerade?

                      Ich mache:

                      cd /home
                      mkdir server
                      cd /home/server
                      wget ""
                      chmod u+x hldsupdatetool.bin
                      ./haldsupdatetool.bin -> yes
                      ./steam -command update -game "Counter-strike Source" -dir /home/server

                      rm -r server

                      und wieder alles von Vorne
                      Mir ist halr Boring ^^

                      Jarhead Mom

                      "Wer grundlegende Freiheiten aufgibt, um vorübergehend ein wenig Sicherheit zu gewinnen, verdient weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit." -Benjamin Franklin

                      "Es wäre ein schwerer Fehler, mich für tot zu halten!" -Kane


                      • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                        Jamie hat gesagt das er Hoden krebs hat, mein bei leid


                        • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                          Zitat von Jarhead Beitrag anzeigen
                          Du hast bestimmt Bier mitgebracht?
                          Leider nein, hab auch nix mehr.


                          • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                            man wo ist osiris der wollte mir nen neuen avatar amchen


                            • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]

                              so was geht ab in ger? bin so neugierig^^

                              @legolas: ICH HAB MIR EINS SCHON GEMACHT^^


                              • AW: Late Night Thread [von 1:00 bis 5:00 Uhr]


                                [-]January 29, 2009 - Counter-Strike: Source Update Released

                                Updates to Counter-Strike: Source have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Counter-Strike: Source

                                Fixed clients using reloadresponsesystems, sv_soundemitter_flush, sv_soundemitter_filecheck, sv_findsoundname, and sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo to lag/crash servers

                                The -pidfile command line option now works for Windows dedicated servers

                                [-]September 23, 2008 - Counter-Strike: Source Update Released

                                Updates to Counter-Strike: Source have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Counter-Strike: Source

                                Fixed clients being able to trigger sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo on the server

                                [-]July 9, 2008 - Episode 1 Source Engine Update Released (7/9/2008)

                                Updates to the Episode 1 Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Episode 1 Source Engine

                                Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch customers running under Windows Vista can now take advantage of 5.1 and 7.1 speaker configurations

                                [-]July 9, 2008 - Source Dedicated Server Update Released (7/9/2008)

                                Updates to the Source Dedicated Server have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Source Dedicated Server

                                Fixed crash caused by excessive rcon attempts sent with incorrect password set

                                [-]November 12, 2007 - Source Engine Update Released

                                Updates to the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Source Engine

                                Fixed Half-Life 2: Deathmatch crowbar swing speed difference between Windows and Linux servers

                                Fixed a potential hang bug in the server browser

                                Fixed certain filenames not protected by sv_pure

                                Fixed CSoundEnt spam on the server with high numbers of player slots on a server

                                Fixed Half-Life 2: Deathmatch chat bug on Linux servers

                                Minor optimization to the askconnect panel

                                Fixed IP address column reporting IPs backwards

                                Security fix for file transfers as reported by James Gray

                                Fixed players able to make their name disappear in the scoreboard by setting it to "~~ ~" in the options panels

                                [-]September 12, 2007 - Source Engine Update Released

                                Updates to the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Source Engine

                                Fixed custom level sound lists under sv_pure

                                Fixed occasional scrunched-up columns in the serverbrowser

                                Fixed various memory leaks

                                [-]June 14, 2007 - Source Engine Update Released

                                Updates to the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Source Engine

                                Fixed a client crash

                                Fixed sv_allow_wait_commands restricting the server using wait

                                Fixed a crash in "soundlist" command

                                Reallowed fps_max value of 0, which means unrestricted fps

                                Fixed a crash playing back demo files recorded with the previously-released engine

                                Client forwards server commands it doesn't understand back to the server

                                sv_pure 1 now allows custom spray decals by default

                                [-]June 12, 2007 - Source Engine Update Released

                                Updates to the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Pure Servers

                                Servers can now force the client to match the server's files, by becoming a pure server. When a server enables sv_pure, clients who connect and play on the server cannot gain an advantage by modifying the game content. For more information about Pure Servers, click here.

                                Source Engine

                                In-game server browser only shows human players in the player counts column. Bots column now shows number of bots instead of a "some bots" or "no bots" icon

                                Fixed servers with bots reporting incorrect number of bots when sv_master_legacy_mode is set to 0

                                Fixed a server performance problem with queued packets

                                Increased the maximum rate to 1 megabyte

                                Added a findflags console command, which can list all cvars with a specified flag. For example: 'findflags server_can_execute' will find all console variables and commands marked with FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE

                                Cheat protected many cvars and commands

                                Removed cl_restrict_server_commands to prevent clients from being redirected

                                Fixed user names reported as "unconnected" when greater than 32k players had connected to the server

                                Fixed a client crash during authentication

                                Fixed a crash when mashing the ~ key on disconnect

                                Fixed a bug with sv_minrate and sv_maxrate not applying properly on the client

                                Fixed the free roaming camera in SourceTV demos

                                Fixed cl_language archiving itself and not updating correctly when the language changed

                                Fixed a voice recording bug that could cause voice dropouts

                                Fixed a rare crash when spectating in Counter-Strike: Source

                                We'd also like to thank Wim Barelds, TC from UKCS Mega Game Servers and Ray from Clan {US} East, for their time in reporting and testing this update.

                                [-]March 26, 2007 - Source Engine Update Released

                                Updates to the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Source Engine

                                Fixed crash when running in Offline mode

                                [-]March 12, 2007 - Source Multiplayer Update Released

                                Updates to the Source Multiplayer games have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Source Multiplayer

                                Improved multiplayer voice communication, now using a much clearer codec

                                First release of a completely reworked in game text chat to which now includes a chat history and a filter to only see important chat messages

                                Fixed not being able to use sounds, decals or models if they were downloaded from the server

                                [-]January 17, 2007 - Source Engine update released

                                Updates to the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

                                Source Engine

                                Replaced cl_interp with cl_interp_ratio. Server can limit it with sv_client_min_interp_ratio and sv_client_max_interp_ratio

                                Added sv_rcon_log to allow rcon logging to be disabled

                                Cheat protected many more cvars
                                Prost Ihr Säcke ^^

                                "Wer grundlegende Freiheiten aufgibt, um vorübergehend ein wenig Sicherheit zu gewinnen, verdient weder Freiheit noch Sicherheit." -Benjamin Franklin

                                "Es wäre ein schwerer Fehler, mich für tot zu halten!" -Kane

