Fosh = Legacy of War Leader
Elron = Legacy of War Co-Leader
Juggernaut1985 = Gründer, und LoW Gott
DonBilbo = *hust*michse*hust*
Lest das und sagt mir eure Gedanken. Ich bitte die Beta Tester sich vorerst aus der Diskussion rauszuhalten, da dies eher den Steiner Mod Staff angeht. Wie im Titel verkündet besteht die Möglichkeit einer Fusion mit LoW. Genaueres müsste noch geplant werden, aber der Grundstein ist gelegt. Nachdem ihr das Log gelesen hat, akzeptiere ich auch ausnahmsweise einmaligen Spam wie "GEIL"![großes Grinsen](
Um's spannend zu machen, das ganze Log in nem Spoiler
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
so ... let's talk about this modification
DonBilbo sagt:
have you all seen the feature list?
DonBilbo sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Seen it
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
everything listed there already has been brought ingame and works
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
Fosh sagt:
So they want to join LoW? Thats the gist i got from Elron
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
ya, they'd like to work with LoW together
DonBilbo sagt:
a german modification
DonBilbo sagt:
does anybody know "Steiners Advanced Units Mod"?
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
I've heard about it
Fosh sagt:
I posted it on EAWfiles
DonBilbo sagt:
this modification is the successer of that mod
DonBilbo sagt:
now about then people are working on it
DonBilbo sagt:
they are translating the latest internal beta, so that you can test it
DonBilbo sagt:
as I said they'd like to work together, sharing ideas and so on
DonBilbo sagt:
they for example would be responsible for the german translation
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
a merger. in other words
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
merging the mods would be an enhacement
DonBilbo sagt:
we need more stuff
DonBilbo sagt:
they have stuff
DonBilbo sagt:
coders, modellers, etc
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
you guys need skinners
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
they got good coders, too
DonBilbo sagt:
its a pretty small team, but they are able to work together
DonBilbo sagt:
and they have done more than we have, havent they?
Fosh sagt:
In terms of Coding Probably
Fosh sagt:
For teh last 6 months everything has been Model and Skin orientated
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
sorry for what?
Elron sagt:
stop kicking your self jugg
Fosh sagt:
Let us do it instead
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
ya my feet are tired
DonBilbo sagt:
what do you guys think?
Fosh sagt:
well it'll mean that we'll get the coding done a lot faster
DonBilbo sagt:
it would help us on with coding and we could reach the german community
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
the germans really ... LOVE his modification
Fosh sagt:
They can advertise for Modellers and skinners In that community
Fosh sagt:
*part of the
DonBilbo sagt:
even now, eaw almost dead, people still register to our forums just to talk about this mod
Fosh sagt:
EAW will rise again on Monday
DonBilbo sagt:
they would freak out if they would hear about LoW and that mod being merged together
Fosh sagt:
Expansion is going to be Interesting to say the least
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
going to go, need to get ready for work
Fosh sagt:
It would send ripples throughout the community
Fosh sagt:
and if we were also to merge with IA2.....
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
wish you guys luck, but beware of UEAW poaching
Elron sagt:
have fun jugg
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
UEAW WILL try and poach
Fosh sagt:
I know
Elron sagt:
thank you jugg
Fosh sagt:
I'm the one they tried to poach
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
oh and if you can merge with IA 2 and just make LoW a space mod, that be cool
Fosh sagt:
Bryant is changing his mind
DonBilbo sagt:
this UEAW freaks can go out and fuck theirselves
Fosh sagt:
It will be ground too
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
by bye
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
cya jugg
Juggernaut1985 - Thinking about Tomorrow hat die Unterhaltung verlassen.
Fosh sagt:
What is teh Leader's Email
Elron sagt:
ok so here is my 2 cents...
Fosh sagt:
I'd like to talk to him
DonBilbo sagt:
I personally would take care of organisation between the teams
Fosh sagt:
The Liason....Ok
Fosh sagt:
So What's Steiner's Email?
DonBilbo sagt:
let me look
Fosh sagt:
Imagine, LoW, Steiner and IA2 in one Mod
Fosh sagt:
What would the community say??
DonBilbo sagt:
they would fuckin freak out
DonBilbo sagt:
i guess
DonBilbo sagt:
at least the german community would
Fosh sagt:
As it was such a Large mod too it would blow UEAW away
Fosh sagt:
That'll please Bryant
Fosh sagt:
He hates Augrunt
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
I dont like ueaw, too
DonBilbo sagt:
let me sum it uo
DonBilbo sagt:
Fosh sagt:
They would join our mod staff and they would carry on their Mod?
DonBilbo sagt:
they would do something like the german version of it
DonBilbo sagt:
everything would be arranged
Elron sagt:
one LoW a 2 language release
DonBilbo sagt:
so that everythings ok for everyone
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
It would make us the largest mod in the communitu
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Apart from Ages of Star Wars
Elron sagt:
be running alot of bable fish to keep up
DonBilbo sagt:
and if they have ideas for gameplay they'd like to implement we could talk about it internal
Fosh sagt:
If we joined with Sith War.... He he he
DonBilbo sagt:
it would just have advantages
Fosh sagt:
That could be interesting indeed
DonBilbo sagt:
so ... you are all pretty in favour of that idea? merging with steiners mod?
Elron sagt:
ok so lets cover one union at a time ... Don your guys can write code for both language releases right/
Fosh sagt:
I am for a merger
DonBilbo sagt:
ya, teams will work together
Elron sagt:
ok so if we use the code they have to supplement what we have ... we are filling in alot of gaps and expanding at the same time ... this is good... how long will it be before the team has a english copy of their mod?
DonBilbo sagt:
at the moment their are working on it
DonBilbo sagt:
one or two days i think
Elron sagt:
ah good
Fosh sagt:
Say after E3 We can add in the new units we have done and market it as the V0.01 of LoW
Elron sagt:
sort of i was thinking a bit bigger if you will
Fosh sagt:
What were you thinking?
Fosh sagt:
Remember we still need to sort out the Splash Screen for LoW
DonBilbo sagt:
they have a new intro
DonBilbo sagt:
the german version should carry a subtitle
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
Elron sagt:
i was thinking what we had models for skin or not ... get everything we can imported and coded with whatever we have code wise together for other stuff shipyards space staions whatever... and do a Alpha release that will blow folks away
Fosh sagt:
Would that be the Whole mod or Just the EpIV-VI
Elron sagt:
4-5 beat LEC to it
Fosh sagt:
Just because we still have to make the Missions for the mod
Elron sagt:
6 sorry
Fosh sagt:
And we need the Luas for that
Elron sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Elron sagt:
jsut planning for now
Fosh sagt:
Elron sagt:
if we could have a playable mod with new ships even untextured Alpha copies it would still cut deep into UEaW
Elron sagt:
we have them in that area hands down
DonBilbo sagt:
well ... we still should be aware of a really ass kickin mod
Elron sagt:
yes i agree ... what i am saying is that the code that dons guys are offering is runnable and that is a good strt add to that a huge new ship list and you have something big... once people see it they will be all over us to help ... let UEaW have who they want ... we beat them to the punch with this and we will come out looking like the elite mod that we are... that will get us our skinners
Elron sagt:
bring Dons friends onboard, then we look to meging other groups into ours in the near future
Elron sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
the english version is almost finished ... of course all the descriptions could not be translated in that short time. the intro could not be translated, too. but it is playable
Elron sagt:
thats all we need for now....
Elron sagt:
no releasing it this week after all
Elron sagt:
don, thanks for bringing this to our attention
Elron sagt:
the MOD that is
EDIT: Diese Informationen sind nicht annähernd offiziell und somit nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt!
Elron = Legacy of War Co-Leader
Juggernaut1985 = Gründer, und LoW Gott
DonBilbo = *hust*michse*hust*
Lest das und sagt mir eure Gedanken. Ich bitte die Beta Tester sich vorerst aus der Diskussion rauszuhalten, da dies eher den Steiner Mod Staff angeht. Wie im Titel verkündet besteht die Möglichkeit einer Fusion mit LoW. Genaueres müsste noch geplant werden, aber der Grundstein ist gelegt. Nachdem ihr das Log gelesen hat, akzeptiere ich auch ausnahmsweise einmaligen Spam wie "GEIL"
![großes Grinsen](
Um's spannend zu machen, das ganze Log in nem Spoiler
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
so ... let's talk about this modification
DonBilbo sagt:
have you all seen the feature list?
DonBilbo sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Seen it
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
everything listed there already has been brought ingame and works
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
Fosh sagt:
So they want to join LoW? Thats the gist i got from Elron
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
ya, they'd like to work with LoW together
DonBilbo sagt:
a german modification
DonBilbo sagt:
does anybody know "Steiners Advanced Units Mod"?
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
I've heard about it
Fosh sagt:
I posted it on EAWfiles
DonBilbo sagt:
this modification is the successer of that mod
DonBilbo sagt:
now about then people are working on it
DonBilbo sagt:
they are translating the latest internal beta, so that you can test it
DonBilbo sagt:
as I said they'd like to work together, sharing ideas and so on
DonBilbo sagt:
they for example would be responsible for the german translation
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
a merger. in other words
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
merging the mods would be an enhacement
DonBilbo sagt:
we need more stuff
DonBilbo sagt:
they have stuff
DonBilbo sagt:
coders, modellers, etc
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
you guys need skinners
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
they got good coders, too
DonBilbo sagt:
its a pretty small team, but they are able to work together
DonBilbo sagt:
and they have done more than we have, havent they?
Fosh sagt:
In terms of Coding Probably
Fosh sagt:
For teh last 6 months everything has been Model and Skin orientated
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
sorry for what?
Elron sagt:
stop kicking your self jugg
Fosh sagt:
Let us do it instead
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
ya my feet are tired
DonBilbo sagt:
what do you guys think?
Fosh sagt:
well it'll mean that we'll get the coding done a lot faster
DonBilbo sagt:
it would help us on with coding and we could reach the german community
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
the germans really ... LOVE his modification
Fosh sagt:
They can advertise for Modellers and skinners In that community
Fosh sagt:
*part of the
DonBilbo sagt:
even now, eaw almost dead, people still register to our forums just to talk about this mod
Fosh sagt:
EAW will rise again on Monday
DonBilbo sagt:
they would freak out if they would hear about LoW and that mod being merged together
Fosh sagt:
Expansion is going to be Interesting to say the least
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
going to go, need to get ready for work
Fosh sagt:
It would send ripples throughout the community
Fosh sagt:
and if we were also to merge with IA2.....
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
wish you guys luck, but beware of UEAW poaching
Elron sagt:
have fun jugg
Fosh sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
UEAW WILL try and poach
Fosh sagt:
I know
Elron sagt:
thank you jugg
Fosh sagt:
I'm the one they tried to poach
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
oh and if you can merge with IA 2 and just make LoW a space mod, that be cool
Fosh sagt:
Bryant is changing his mind
DonBilbo sagt:
this UEAW freaks can go out and fuck theirselves
Fosh sagt:
It will be ground too
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
Juggernaut1985 sagt:
by bye
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
cya jugg
Juggernaut1985 - Thinking about Tomorrow hat die Unterhaltung verlassen.
Fosh sagt:
What is teh Leader's Email
Elron sagt:
ok so here is my 2 cents...
Fosh sagt:
I'd like to talk to him
DonBilbo sagt:
I personally would take care of organisation between the teams
Fosh sagt:
The Liason....Ok
Fosh sagt:
So What's Steiner's Email?
DonBilbo sagt:
let me look
Fosh sagt:
Imagine, LoW, Steiner and IA2 in one Mod
Fosh sagt:
What would the community say??
DonBilbo sagt:
they would fuckin freak out
DonBilbo sagt:
i guess
DonBilbo sagt:
at least the german community would
Fosh sagt:
As it was such a Large mod too it would blow UEAW away
Fosh sagt:
That'll please Bryant
Fosh sagt:
He hates Augrunt
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
I dont like ueaw, too
DonBilbo sagt:
let me sum it uo
DonBilbo sagt:
Fosh sagt:
They would join our mod staff and they would carry on their Mod?
DonBilbo sagt:
they would do something like the german version of it
DonBilbo sagt:
everything would be arranged
Elron sagt:
one LoW a 2 language release
DonBilbo sagt:
so that everythings ok for everyone
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
It would make us the largest mod in the communitu
Fosh sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Apart from Ages of Star Wars
Elron sagt:
be running alot of bable fish to keep up
DonBilbo sagt:
and if they have ideas for gameplay they'd like to implement we could talk about it internal
Fosh sagt:
If we joined with Sith War.... He he he
DonBilbo sagt:
it would just have advantages
Fosh sagt:
That could be interesting indeed
DonBilbo sagt:
so ... you are all pretty in favour of that idea? merging with steiners mod?
Elron sagt:
ok so lets cover one union at a time ... Don your guys can write code for both language releases right/
Fosh sagt:
I am for a merger
DonBilbo sagt:
ya, teams will work together
Elron sagt:
ok so if we use the code they have to supplement what we have ... we are filling in alot of gaps and expanding at the same time ... this is good... how long will it be before the team has a english copy of their mod?
DonBilbo sagt:
at the moment their are working on it
DonBilbo sagt:
one or two days i think
Elron sagt:
ah good
Fosh sagt:
Say after E3 We can add in the new units we have done and market it as the V0.01 of LoW
Elron sagt:
sort of i was thinking a bit bigger if you will
Fosh sagt:
What were you thinking?
Fosh sagt:
Remember we still need to sort out the Splash Screen for LoW
DonBilbo sagt:
they have a new intro
DonBilbo sagt:
the german version should carry a subtitle
Fosh sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
Elron sagt:
i was thinking what we had models for skin or not ... get everything we can imported and coded with whatever we have code wise together for other stuff shipyards space staions whatever... and do a Alpha release that will blow folks away
Fosh sagt:
Would that be the Whole mod or Just the EpIV-VI
Elron sagt:
4-5 beat LEC to it
Fosh sagt:
Just because we still have to make the Missions for the mod
Elron sagt:
6 sorry
Fosh sagt:
And we need the Luas for that
Elron sagt:
Fosh sagt:
Elron sagt:
jsut planning for now
Fosh sagt:
Elron sagt:
if we could have a playable mod with new ships even untextured Alpha copies it would still cut deep into UEaW
Elron sagt:
we have them in that area hands down
DonBilbo sagt:
well ... we still should be aware of a really ass kickin mod
Elron sagt:
yes i agree ... what i am saying is that the code that dons guys are offering is runnable and that is a good strt add to that a huge new ship list and you have something big... once people see it they will be all over us to help ... let UEaW have who they want ... we beat them to the punch with this and we will come out looking like the elite mod that we are... that will get us our skinners
Elron sagt:
bring Dons friends onboard, then we look to meging other groups into ours in the near future
Elron sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
DonBilbo sagt:
the english version is almost finished ... of course all the descriptions could not be translated in that short time. the intro could not be translated, too. but it is playable
Elron sagt:
thats all we need for now....
Elron sagt:
no releasing it this week after all
Elron sagt:
don, thanks for bringing this to our attention
Elron sagt:
the MOD that is
EDIT: Diese Informationen sind nicht annähernd offiziell und somit nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt!