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  • Gute Modder sind für die Spieleindustrie mittlerweile ein sehr wichtiger Faktor geworden, da sie u.a. dafür sorgen das sich spiele über einen langen Zeitraum verkaufen und aktuell gehalten werden, das Parade Beispiel hierfür ist HL 1.
    Modder arbeiten meißt sehr ehrgeizig und ohne finanziellen oder Zeitdruck.
    Manche Mods sind besser / beliebter als das Original, das ist eine beachtliche Leistung der Modding Szene. Ich selbst hab zwar vom Modden soviel Ahnung wie George Bush von Diplomatie aber ich liebe es, Mods zu zocken da sie Abwechslung und gute Ideen in Games bringen. Viele werden nicht umsonst bei Entwickler Studios angestellt, obwohl sie dann wieder unter Druck stehen, ein Teufelskreis.
    So, genug Offtopic.

    Zitat von DetoNato
    Ich wäre zumindest verrückt genug (mal angenommen ich wäre festangestellter Programmierer bei EA) auch nach der Arbeit meine Freizeit mit der Entwicklung bzw dem Ausbau meiner Ideen aufzuopfern.
    Leider sind nicht alle so. Wäre aber schön wenn ein paar Entwickler so denken würden.
    Zuletzt geändert von iceyx; 02.05.2006, 15:56.


    • Guter Witz, Bush und Diplomatie

      Ich hoffe jedoch instendig, dass EA seinen Leuten etwas mehr Freiraum für deren Arbeit an TW lässt und diese auch finanziell etwas besser austattet.


      • Zitat von DetoNato
        Ich hoffe jedoch instendig, dass EA seinen Leuten etwas mehr Freiraum für deren Arbeit an TW lässt und diese auch finanziell etwas besser austattet.
        Genau das wollte ich auch damit sagen !
        C&C mit dem Dozer System auszustatten wäre wie, wenn man ein Arcade Shoot em Up zu einem 3D Flugsimulator umgestalten würde.
        Unzählig neue Möglichkeiten, doch der Flair wäre komplett anders.
        Der einzige Unterschied ist, dass Shoot em Ups wie Sand am Meer produziert werden, doch C&C, das ist einmalig und würde aussterben...


        • hab da was im internet gefunden was für die Aliens als 3.Partei spricht:

          * It´s the year 2047. From an unknown location a nuclear fireball is fired at the high-tech GDI spacebase Philadelphia. Millions of people witness an enormous flash and see Philadelphia going down. Kane and his Brotherhood of NOD laugh at the sight. Right after the attack Kane orders his elite Black Hand Shock Troopers to eliminate any remaining GDI troops and to cause terror all over the world. NOD uses the media for example for propaganda. The GDI is about to be destroyed. One brave GDI officer however doesn´t want to give up. He plans to unite the spreaded en demoralised GDI troops. He is going to take the battle on against the great NOD army. You are that GDI officer. Welcome back, Commander.

          [Sounds like A nuclear strike from space? - Not launched by Kane?]

          * Mike Verdu didn´t want to say a lot about the third party. Only that it has a strong bond with Tiberium and that their goal is to spread Tiberium all over the planet. (Obviously the Scrin)

          * C&C3 has to be fast, fluid and fun Verdu and Bender say. Fast gameplay, units that quickly follow orders, a good view on the battlefield without hassle with the camera and pure pleasure are things that have to make C&C3 a great RTS title.

          * C&C3 will be take more inspiration from Tiberian Dawn than it's successor Tiberian Sun.

          * GDI Orca, GDI Mammoth Tank, NOD Stealth Tank, NOD Flame Tank and the Commando are units that appear in CC3. However the developers still have doubts about the NOD subterrainian units.

          * GDI has one giant Mech unit and NOD also has a Mech unit. (probably stolen technology)

          * The advanced Tiberian Sun units like the Cyborgs and the Banshees are gone or will return spruced up in the third party.

          * Infantry plays an important role in C&C3. NOD and GDI have Riflemen, Missile Troopers and Grenadiers. GDI has a Commando with stealth options which still can destroy buildings with one click. Also the GDI can use the heavy armoured Zone Trooper which is immune to the effects of Tiberium. (The guys with those huge suits)!

          * GDI also has an APC in which you can put different types of infantry. The infantry can capture buildings and from their fire at the enemy (Urban Combat). Also infantry can capture neutral buildings and so get extra bonuses.

          * GDI also has a very fast scout Buggy with a turret. Also they have a more modern version of the Mobile Rocket Launcher System (MRLS). GDI also has a unit called The Ridge, a mobile repair unit and a medic has to take care of the infantry. A medic is needed because C&C3 units can gain experience which makes them stronger, they do more damage and often get extra bonuses.

          * C&C3 for an important part uses a system of upgrades for units, not special abilities. Jason Bender says that there still are some special abilities, like tanks that can dig their selves in so that only the turret is visible. (Tick tank mk2) This way the tank is stronger but not mobile. Bender says they decided to give unit upgrades a more important role. Take the Overlord tank from Generals for example which could be equipped with anti-air turrets. But the essence of the Overlord tank stayed the same, a very heavy tank that could do a lot of damage. This is also what the developers are going to apply in C&C3. You can give the vehicles something extra. For example you can give a tank an anti-air extra or give a fast scout unit an anti-tank extra.

          * The creators also added some new elements to the C&C-universe. They wanted to reveal 3 of them. Mobile bases, controllable weather effects and combine two units to get a different type of unit. The mobile base is new for C&C and is only for the third party. The base of the third party will be one big moving base, with smaller buildings that are connected with each other. This base can be moved in full, so that you can take them near to Tiberium on the map. This moving base can also be used as one big super unit because of defensive turrets.

          * Also new in C&C3 is that you can steer your Ion Storms. By doing this you do damage to enemy units, but there are also units in the game that can heal in an Ion Storm.

          * The combining of one unit with an other unit is also going to be surprising. This feature particularly goes for the third party, but also GDI and NOD can combine different units to a new unit. For example you can combine a tank with a flying scout unit, or you can combine the NOD Stealth Tank with a different unit so that it also gets Stealth. Bender has always been fascinated by the relationship between the Ghost and the Nuclear Strike in Starcraft. This system of depending on each other is also going to be introduced in CC3. For example you can target a spot with the GDI Spotter which can be destroyed by an Orca Air Strike.


          What can we expect of the multiplayer options?
          Jason Bender: C&C3 will of course feature the classic options and will have integrated clan-options and feature Voice-over-internet-Protocol. Currently we are working hard on the AI Style of Play-options. With this you can give the AI certain game styles which than can be chosen by the player. Do you want to practice in attacking with a rush, than give the AI Player Rush. If you want to build your base slowly and destroy a well defended enemy slowly but good than set the AI to Turtle. And so there will be a lot of game styles that are inspired by the AI of Generals and Zero Hour but that will be a lot more advanced if it´s about AI.


          Zuletzt geändert von GLA_ReeCe; 03.05.2006, 00:11.


          • welche quelle? quelle muss mit angegeben werden ...


            • hab da was im internet gefunden was für die Aliens als 3.Partei spricht:
              Und was spricht da jetzt für die Aliens? Also wegen dem Nuklear Schlag gegen die Philadelphia....
              Im Artikel von der PC Gamer stand, der wurde von NOD abgefeuert, da diese Angst hat, das die GDI eine Prophezeiung gefährden könnte, die Kane mir dem Tiberium verbindet.

              März 2047 feuert die Bruderschaft von NOD schließlich einen nuklearen Feuerball gegen die orbitale Raumstation Philadelphia, welche der Dreh und Angelpunkt der Militärischen Macht der GDI ist, ab, welche dann augenblicklich in einer radioaktiven Wolke aus Trümmern und Brandschutt verschwindet, die langsam auf die Erde nieder regnet.


              • ich bezweifle das Alins die Dritte Fraktion begründen werden. das ist soooo weit hergeholt und sorgte schon bei Earth 2160 für langeweile. Ich würde eher auf Mutis tippen.
                Fürchte keinen Tod. Es gibt keinen Tod. In der Leere.


                • Naja, das kommt immer drauf an wie so eine Fraktion umgesetzt wird. Aliens können durchaus originell sein.
                  Mir is es egal wer die dritte Fraktion ist, solange sie sinnvoll ins game passt.


                  • da spricht einiges für scrin

                    1. modernere technologie
                    2. banshee
                    3. riesenbasis die beweglich ist (ufo gg)

                    and so on

